


Excerpted from the website:

Disclaimer --I do not endorse nor do I receive any contributions from any of the links that are listed; as my favorites; I also do not quarantine that any of the sites listed; herein are free of spy ware i.e. .adware and/or any other malicious threats; The use and downloading of materials from these sites are at your own risk. Also, prior to downloading anything off of the Web, from any site (especially free stuff) take the time to read the disclaimer to see what you are getting and to determine what are your responsibilities regarding the use of the particular downloaded materials; You may be surprised---being free may come with a price. For instance; to download a certain application you may actually be giving your permission for the installation of adware/spyware on your system. However, I have downloaded and used the applications listed on this site without any major problems. But, keep in mind, the WEB is a dynamic place (always changing), therefore, always take the necessary precautionary measures to protect your system against any threats. ………..Thanks for surfing this site----hopefully you will find this site to be both educational and enjoyable----have a good day!
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