User talk:Mehrunnisa

Revision as of 18:11, 18 January 2008 by Mubin (talk | contribs) (hellooooo)

Leave me a message


Hi Mehrunnisa, Welcome to AboutUs. I have fixed the link to your talk page. You can also use this to provide a link straight to the new message option. Feel free to revert, if you like it the other way. Check out help. Best :-) Asad

Feel free to play around, coz WikiIsBulletProof! Nice page by the way.

Hi Mehrunnisa,

Welcome to AboutUs. I'm Ted, in Chicago. I've been working part-time for AboutUs since last November, and start full-time on Sept 15th. I look forward to learning wiki with you! By the way, it's a good idea to make sure you're logged in when making edits on the wiki. This helps you have a record of all your work here, and helps others following what you're doing as well. Once you've become acclimated a bit, I'd love to schedule a skype chat. Sometime next week, maybe? peace, Ted Ernst | talk

Use this

<div align="right">[[Link|more....]]</div>


Hi Mehrunnisa, I see you have the IRC channel on your page as a way to contact you, yet I don't see you in the IRC channel! :-) Will I see you there soon? Hopefully! :-) Talk with you soon. peace, Ted Ernst | talk


Hi Mehrunnisa, as an effort to minimize the distinction between AboutUsStaff and ActiveMembers, we are replacing the AboutUsStaff/AboutUsEmployees/AboutUsStaffCity categories with AboutUsCity Category. You are welcome to share your ideas/thoughts on AboutUsPeopleCleanup#Discussion page. Best, Asad


Hey Mehrunnisa, just looking at Image:Aaaaaa.jpg, please remember to link to where you found the image. --Simon | talk 02:23, 3 September 2007 (PDT)

Common Answes Pages


You are right! - I didn't see the internal/external distinction in your framework, but I do now. One thought: do you think it might be better to have the external links by number (i.e. 1, 2, 3 instead of 'page)? I'm not sure what is right here, so let me know your thoughts! I think that the numbers add to the ranked feeling of the results, but saying 'page' more directly implies where the link goes. Bring your issue up to other people in Lahore (I'll do the same in Portland) to see what they think too.



Mehrunnisa, whats good? I thought that perhaps you may be interested in working with me on portal:Entrepreneur Education I am still forming ideas on what to add... I am definately interested in your thoughts.. --DaughertyBw 23:00, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Portal:Entrepreneur Education

Worked on it a little today what do you think?--DaughertyBw 23:11, 5 September 2007 (PDT)



We've cooled it a bit on the sponsorship program since we believe Google adsense will prove just as profitable and easier to manage. Tell me a little bit more about the area of interest and what the sponsorship potential has been - I'll pass this on to Ray, etc. and we'll give you some thoughts. Awesome job taking the initiative though!

To note: for the LASIK portal, we were charging a $100 flat fee for a fixed sponsor slot for a year. Given the CPM of that keyword, this advertising was probably worth a lot more that this, but we were just trying to develop the model.


Common Answers


Here are some notes I've collected on your work so far that might help with pushing these (and whatever other terms you take on) to the next level this week. These are only my opinion, so I'd love to hear any thoughts you have on this (add them to the discussion section on this weeks task. Great job so far!

  • Category:Pink Floyd: I think your approach to this page (and these band/person pages in general) is pretty spot on. Good mix of and distinction between internal and external links! Good image citation! I think the page overall could be improved by adding little descriptions to the links to characterize what different things each site offers (why go to one site over another). I think this would be a good thing to do on all of your pages.
  • Category:The Beatles: See my comments for Pink Floyd since my reaction is very similar here. I'm thinking that the books section should either be split off into a subcategory (The Beatles Books, or Books on the Beatles - intersecting these two tags), or that we should include information about specific books (or a combination). I'm not sure where to go here, but I think this section could be fleshed out and placed elsewhere (linked to fro this page of course). I like the idea of the featured video! As an extension of this, perhaps (and maybe this is down the line) we could have links by song to every video performance. I don't think a visual catalogue of this sort exists on the web - searching youtube is a bit less organized than this would be. Thoughts?
  • Category:Gwen Stefani: Comments are the same as above.
  • Category:Casablanca: Same comments as above, but several specifics as well. I think the actors names should link to category pages on AboutUs so that people can find more about the work they've done. Other than this the page looks pretty good! Were there really no images in the public domain? I don't particularly like linking to other search sites here (this is what Mahalo does and we can do better!).
  • Category:Metallica: Same comments as on other band pages. Particularly, include descriptions for each link. Link the band member names to their own category pages. Good citations on images!
  • Category:Action Series: I would definitely have a description at the top of this describing in general what the term means. Other than this intro sentence, your overall layout makes sense. We need to use WAY more internal links - whether to individual websites or, more importantly here, to category pages for individual terms. Spiderman, for instance, should link to Category:Spiderman. Also, make sure to add descriptions to these links that characterize what is particular about each. Another specific: 'Rocky' should link to Category:Rocky which will include the link you're currently using. Other than these small things, this page is great!
  • Category:John Deere: Good disambiguation here, although I think you should include a general description introducing the overall sense of the term. Good mix of internal and external linking, although 'The Deere and Company' section seems a bit redundant to me link wise - perhaps each of John Deere's specialties is listed on it's own page with a category intersection ('John Deere' intersected with 'Forestry' for instance). I like the idea of featured products, but I think this demands too much residual maintenance that will be hard to keep up once our Common Answers list grows. The stock exchange section should link to a variety of sources. I feel like there should be more 3rd party informational links here about the company, it's history, reviews on its products/business etc. Any thoughts?
  • Category:Acoustic: I think you make a big assumption here that the user would be interested in guitars alone. In my mind, this page would probably be very short and link to a variety of pages on specific acoustic instruments, acoustic music, and any other relevant terms. To be fair, the generality of this term makes it hard to deal with, so we should learn a lot from this case. I would encourage you to really think out this one (we can do this together if you like) so we can learn the most.
  • Category:Alkaline Battery: I think this definitely needs a description at the top. Other than that the page is organized very well!
  • Category:Cartoon Dolls: Another hard one, but your layout is very good! I know the thumbnails link externally, but I would also add a 'hard' link next to the internal AboutUs one - this gives the page a feeling of an ordered sequence. Adding some short link descriptions is a must here.
  • Category:Jessica Alba: I like your approach here - some full content, but also a very good link guide! I think this is good for now, although we may change around how we deal with this specific type of term (i.e. a person) as we progress.
  • Category:Harry Potter: A picture (or pictures) is needed here if you can find one. Link actors names, etc. to the relevant category. More related categories would be good in general. Overall this page is awesome!
  • Category:Football: We have a big problem here with disambiguation between the American and world connotations of this word! I'm not sure how to deal with this disambiguation issue, so I'll proceed with a normal review of the article. Overall, I don't think we need to go into this much detail. Players, leagues, and tournaments (to name a few of the sections) are certainly related, but are probably too granular for this page. Focus on the general term itself and link out to more specific types of information.
  • Category:Simpsons: This page looks great! I do think it is preferable, however, to not link out to image searches on other sites, but rather include our own creative commons images. We need to work this issue out as a whole, however, so don't stress about it for now.

Great job so far! Please take any reactions you have to my comments or the process and collect them in the discussion section of this weeks task. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything improves this week and what new pages you develop.

By the way: way to go on working on the most pages!


12 year old Tony Royster on drums

Thought you might wanna check this out! Umair Tamim

More notes


Thanks for the note and for being so responsive. This all looks good! I'll be in touch regarding the next period's tasks soon, but please make sure to leave some notes about this process in general on this week's task page - it will be very helpful to hear everyone's thoughts as we all try to direct this project toward the future!



Hi Mehroo, I changed the color of the NavBar. Is it okay? I'm not sure if I really understand your idea for the portal main page. Maybe we can discuss it in more detail in the office this week? :-) Best, Obed Suhail

Pink Floyd

Hi,have seen your edits to Category:Pink Floyd. Im a massive PF fan, would you mind if i made a few edits to the text etc. --Jackjones 11:03, 23 September 2007 (PDT)

Ooops, Pink Floyd Members. Rick Wright official site, dont know who that Richard is?. Here is a link to his unofficial site --Jackjones 08:35, 24 September 2007 (PDT)

Uber patrol link Obed Suhail

Portland Tech




Just a heads up: we think it would be best to focus the rest of the week's PortlandTech work on perfecting the pages already in the category so far. We're gonna work on adding more from the Portland office and through our connections here, and we will bring you guys into this effort in the next period. Hopefully this makes things easier.

Talk soon - have a great day!



Hi Mehrunnisa,

I'm just checking in, I didn't see you on the wiki last night (although I did notice you made a bunch of edits after I went to bed around 3). I wasn't sure what your schedule was like so I figured I've leave this message. I'll be on IRC tonight again if you have any questions or need any thing.

-- Tak 14:59, 18 October 2007 (PDT)

Re: Hey

Hi Meru, I've redirected the feedback link to the discussion page. Best, Obed Suhail



Yes - we're planning to put the badge on all portland tech pages, so feel free to add it to those you are working on. One more thing: check out for how to add to domain pages. It is the 'badges' code in the domain box text at the top. For personal pages just add the image.



Here is the link. Best, Asad | *~talk~* 01:33, 6 November 2007 (PST)



I noticed you starting to tag people pages with categories such as Category:PortlandTechFounder. This shows great insight into the project, so thanks for thinking ahead. To make these tags scalable to other potential tech portals, try using the terms from this list instead so that we can use the intersect tool more effectively to create dynamic lists:

I'll be adding some notes about this on the project page soon, but until then could you pass on this new format? Thanks again for the good work and foresight!


PortlandTech Links




Thanks for taking the initiative to create this new page - great idea! I'll be checking there for reviews and updates from now on. One problem - there is no space in this wiki list to leave comments on individual pages! I'll think on how to fix this today, but we need a centralized view for this so that commentary can be shared. Perhaps we could have a list of notes on pages on the task page (although this would be a bit inefficient). Any thoughts on how to work this out?

Also, feel free to browse through what's been worked on as far as meta pages for PortlandTech. Once we get all of the pages categorized appropriately, the lists on these meta pages will dynamically update to include everything. The intersect tool needs some refining still, but once that is done this will be a pretty powerful information portal.

Thanks again! Talk to you on IRC this sunday.


Work in Progress for PortlandTech


In addition to the new page you made for the overall DoneDone status of pages, we're going to continue keeping track of individual work in progress on the task page now. So, for this period Build out PortlandTech (Nov. 1-15) has a section at the bottom where everyone can put the articles they are working on with a status (Done or In Progress) next to them. We can leave notes here on those that need improvement; DoneDone articles will be marked here and moved to PortlandTech/DoneDone Pages (I moved the page you created here - hope you don't mind :)).

Let me know if you have any thoughts. Other than that I'll be in touch with you on the work via the task page! Thanks for the work so far!


PortlandTech People


Thanks for the heads up - we've been categorizing people pages with a bit of a simpler format that allows for these tags to be expanded into other portals that you guys might want to check out. Instead of Category:PortlandTechPeople, simply categorize a person-page with: Category:PortlandTech and Category:Person. Then we can use the intersect tool to create a dynamic list without needing to create a new category. In addition to this, we've simplified the other people tag formats to mimic those on company pages:

Category:PortlandTechFounder turns into Category:Founder
Category:PortlandTechCEO turns into Category:CEO
Category:PortlandTEchVicePresident turns into Category:Vice President

These can all be intersected with Category:PortlandTech and to get more specific lists of the different people in the area. If you look at PortlandTech/People you'll see a basic rubric of the possible intersections - when the given tags are added to a page, it appears automatically in these lists.

Let me know if you have any thoughts on this, but I think it is a bit simpler and expands the universality of our tagging system the by using the intersect functionality.


Mubin and Arsalan


Could you walk the new interns through posting themselves to the content team page?

Thanks for stepping up! - ChrisBabson


Hello Mehrunnisa, I want to make sure you know about WhoWeAre the consensus poll underway to craft the company mission statement and assess our values as an "Inc.", CommunityMembers and as staff. If you have any questions about the poll or how to maneuver the process to participate I'd be happy to answer your questions...or at least try to. Kasey 15:49, 10 November 2007 (PST)

License tagging for Image:wazirkhanmosque1.jpg

Thanks for uploading Image:wazirkhanmosque1.jpg. AboutUs gets hundreds of images uploaded every day, and in order to verify that the images can be legally used on AboutUs, the source and copyright status must be indicated. Images need to have a link to where they are from and a rational on how AboutUs is legally allowed to use them.

For more information on using images, see the following page:

This is an automated notice by TheSimonBot. If you need help feel free to post a message on my owners talk page. --TheSimonBot 09:56, 20 November 2007 (PST)

License tagging for Image:Wazirkhanmosque6.jpg

Thanks for uploading Image:Wazirkhanmosque6.jpg. AboutUs gets hundreds of images uploaded every day, and in order to verify that the images can be legally used on AboutUs, the source and copyright status must be indicated. Images need to have a link to where they are from and a rational on how AboutUs is legally allowed to use them.

For more information on using images, see the following page:

This is an automated notice by TheSimonBot. If you need help feel free to post a message on my owners talk page. --TheSimonBot 09:57, 20 November 2007 (PST)

tagging LASIK


Saw that you've been tagging for NeedsReview on LASIK. I suggest also tagging with Category:LASIK at the same time, for later organisation, and so that it shows up on the intersect page, as was done with PortlandTech. What do you think? FatimaRaja 22:53, 20 November 2007 (PST)



Indeed, my teacher friend got back over the weekend, and I plan to collar her once I'm back from Quetta. So end of this week, hopefully, we should have something. FatimaRaja 05:11, 26 November 2007 (PST)

Intersect Tool on LASIK/Status

Hey Mehru,

To answer your question on my talk page, the way the intersect tool works is not entirely dynamic (ie. when you make a change it doesn't show up right away). There's a variety of reasons why I guess this is set up this way, largely because of the way the website caches information so that pages that haven't changed can be accessed more quickly than others.

Anyway, the system does clear this cache at semi-regular intervals, but there's another trick. I put a {{Purgepage}} template on the LASIK/Status page. You'll see a "Purge server cache" option now at the very bottom of that page. Just click that line and it should clear the cache and redraw the intersects correctly.

Because the "Purge server cache" can possibly be draining on the system, I'd only do that a couple times a day, rather than every single time you make a little change.

Hope this helps.

Tak 10:11, 28 November 2007 (PST)

U scared me

U just had get my hope up, u just had, i thought the slovenian girl had found me and had messg'd me, u jus had to get my hopes upSanwal 03:27, 4 December 2007 (PST)

LASIK Related

hey mehru were putting the badges on the LASIK pages in needs work becasue a lot of the pages didnt have any. please get back to me and tell me if theres anything else that i can do?

Arsalan Javaid 23:40, 4 December 2007 (PST)

PortlandTech/Review Process


I've linked to a page on how to review PortlandTech articles for specific requirements. From here on out we want you and Fatima to begin reviewing articles for the group and training everyone else to start doing peer reviews of one another. We'll be moving on to new tech portals soon, so this should help us be more efficient as a team and get everyone more involved.

To note: for purposes of focus and efficiency, we're going to discontinue work on person pages for these portals. For now, we'll keep the work done (mark all person pages in PortlandTech as DoneDone) and continue to red link people names, include their positions and images (where available) on the relevant domain page.

Soon we'll be on to SeattleTech and LahoreTech!



Tuesday meeting...

Hey Mehr,

Just wondering if you're ready to start the Tuesday morning meeting. John and I are all lonely in the IRC. :( I'm assuming Moshen might be having a standup meeting, just ping us as soon as you can.


Just found out the Lahore office lost power. No worries. We'll do the meeting Wednesday morning instead. BTW: I put up a few more notes on seeding the VancouverTech project on the VancouverTech: Start project (Dec. 15-31) task page. Go ahead and start a list of VancouverTech articles if you get a chance (when and if power is restored). -- Tak

Stupid Bot !@#@!#!$!

Dude, the aboutus bot already did all the pages i was supposed to do... so um...what do i do now? portland tech? 1000 hours of RC? jehansher

Precisely what?=

I will proceed to tag them and put them in the right categories for now from manually searching the two links you put on my talk that ok for now? Oh and one more thing...the substitues for "community" and "company" read out "Vancourver Tech"...Is there some way I can permanently fix that? jehansher

Multiple edit buttons

Mehr, I looked at this a while back and at that time was unable to find the cause of the problem. If I remember correctly, I assumed it had to do with the multiple levels of transclusion occurring on each page. Some of the extra edit buttons, when clicked, take you to a "non-existing section" edit screen; which is why I assume it has more to do with MediaWiki going insane versus straight-up CSS issues. However, when I get a little more time, hopefully later this week, I'll take a more in depth look at the problem. -- vinh! 15:17, 8 January 2008 (PST)


Awesome! TedErnst (talk) 00:10, 11 January 2008 (PST)

By the way, the text on your PersonalPage might need a bit of updating. TedErnst (talk) 00:10, 11 January 2008 (PST)

Awesome again with the century! Great work by the team and great work by you to celebrate publicly. I love it! TedErnst (talk) 00:45, 14 January 2008 (PST)

Sending NeedReview List

Sending List

Hi!Mehru! Here is the list you required Asma_SeattleList_Review_For_Mehr Asma

About Seattle NeedsReview pages

Uptil now many people pages were tagged and are in In Progress but new articles for needs review are,,,,

Secondly, please tell me after how many days or after how much time exactly, should I send u the list of need-reviews ? Asma

Mehr!U can daily click Asma_SeattleList_Review_For_Mehr for reviewing !Asma


im going to come from monday mehru. sorry i couldnt show up for work on friday, i had some shia stuff to do with my family. peace!!