
Paradoxdruid’s Rants


Kayaking Good, Clumsiness Bad

Yesterday, I had some ups and downs (both literal and figurative). The weather was hot, the wind was nonexistant, and Teisha and I were downtown for the Big Dog Parade. This all conspired to bring Teisha and I to a rent-a-kayak place on the Wharf, and a Kayaking we went! Read on for Kayaking experiences and to learn how my clumsiness landed my cell phone in Davy Jones’ Locker (and no, I didn’t bring it with me on the Kayak). (continued)

I’m in the wrong field or I’m sane or both

A while back, a co-worker of mine posted an editorial they had clipped from Nature, which was the advice of an experienced researcher to potential graduate students in the sciences titled “What makes a good graduate student?”.

Now, either I’m a textbook example of a piss-poor graduate student, or the author is an elitist crazy and I’m sane. Read on to see snippets of her “advice”, and my incredulity and disbelief. (continued)

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