Title - Learning to Fly One Post at A Time


Excerpted from the website:

Thanks for visiting I the spring of 2004 I decided to act on my dream of becoming a private pilot. is my blog sharing my experiences of learning to fly, achieving my pilots license and my ongoing experiences in general aviation. Since I can remember, I have had an interest in flying. I took my first aviation-related class almost 14 years ago. Then for almost 16 years I toyed with the idea of earning my private pilot's license but never actually took the necessary steps to achieve this dream. I decided since flying was a life-long interest of mine I should no longer wait to make this dream a reality. I learned that the process of earning a private pilot's license is not nearly as difficult, time consuming or costly as I had thought. I am so glad I finally made this dream a priority in my life. Now, I enjoy the priveleges of being a private pilot and working to make myself a safer pilot every time I fly.
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