
Debra's World


Excerpted from the website:

Writing about oneself if tough. At least for me. I don’t like some of the labels that apply to me, but I am learning to accept them. I turned 40 this year. That I can handle. I still feel 25 in my mind. My body feels like it’s 60. I have Fibromyalgia and several other ailments that have rendered me disabled. I am home bound at this time due to my chronic illnesses and am working towards many things in my life. The list includes - my Bachelor’s degree, my health, being a good single mother (when I say single I mean that I am the only parent available, the father is deceased), being a good person, being a good artist, and frankly dealing with some issues that I thought only happened to other people on TV. Parts of this blog will be hard to read for some people, but I am a very honest person. These issues are real and need to be addressed so hopefully it will help someone else out there, whether it be with their health or their child. You see my while my child’s father is deceased. My child’s step-father was (is) an abuser to both my child and myself. So if these topics make you uncomfortable, avoid the “Abuse” category. You will find much more to this blog in other categories and feel free to comment! Enjoy!
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