User talk:Fridemar

Revision as of 21:03, 10 July 2007 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (Wow! I'm in awe of your mediator work! ... One Tweak)


Hello Fridemar! Welcome to AboutUs.

I'm excited that you've chosen to explore the wonderful world of wiki here at - the place where everyone may collaborate to build the commons and community through their constructive edits and participation. Welcome! Check out the brand new tour to learn about wiki, what is all about and how to use the site to the fullest. From there, go ahead and and see what you can improve upon first on the wiki (pick a page and hit the edit button and go to town), whether it be a wiki DomainPage (just type the site into the search bar like this: and hit find) or your very own PersonalPage. I look forward to seeing your first edit here on!

Be sure to let us/me know if you have any questions along the way (you can leave a message on my talk page via the talk link by my name, join the AboutUs WebIRC here, or check the "currently online" section on the homepage for someone knowledgeable and send them a message on their talk page). I wonder if you might want to add a little information about yourself on your personal page? (Check out PersonalPages for guidance or click my name below as an example.) Please don't hesitate to let me know if you'd like some assistance in accomplishing your goals on AboutUs and if you fancy some help or new ideas I've found the help page to be a nice resource. Welcome to the AboutUs community - it's great to have you!

Have a most wonderful day!
KristinaWeis | **talk** 14:03, 4 June 2007 (PDT)

Hi Kristina, what a warm and nice welcome. Thank you. Unfortunately I noticed this page not earlier than today. Hey, this community is exactly realizing my dreams, I dreamt in the MeatballWiki. It is the dream of a Social Common Wealth. You call it simply the Commons. I coined it independently Meatball:SocialCommonWealth and registered all the top level domains *.com, *.net, *.biz, *.org, *.info to develop them with full engagement: in my dedicated blog, in wikis, forums, mailing-lists.

To make it attractive as a community effort, I have been suggesting to my peers to:

  • contribute digital goods and services, based on ideas, concepts, art, music, software.
  • buy related domains, where the peers could amplify each other's efforts
  • selling at last the domains to potent likeminded Internet players

This way, there is a good chance, that the community members can openly develop their ideas, based on the Creative Commons license (Author credit + Share Alike) and get also their "food on the table", which is not a trivial task, since most of the communities appear to stick to the Meatball:StayPoor meme and don't have yet detected the secret of the Meatball:HoofSmith paradigm. This metapher appears to me the base for an Meatball:OpenBusiness or more concrete: the base for an Meatball:OpenBusinessWiki.

Fortunately AboutUs allows the workers to realize some revenue for the thousands of hours, they put into their contributions. ( I am proud, that for some hundred hours of wiki publishing and blogging, I now earned nearly 2 US$ dollars by Adsense. :-) I hope, that as a community effort, each author at least gets enough revenue, that s/he is not forced to work for third parties, who don't care for the wellbeing of the planet.

This post is blogged for the mutual benefit: [[1]]

Do you allow Meatball:WikiBlogging?

Heaven for you and all the beings around us

-- fridemar

Oh hello

Sorry, I was just looking through the people currently online (you can see this on the homepage) and I noticed that you left me a message here... it will only alert me when a message is left on my talk page, but I'm glad I came across this... I'm about to read through it and send a reply your way.

Okay, I actually don't have an answer to your questions as of yet, but it sounds interesting. I will bring it up to a few fellow AboutUs staffers and see what they know on the subject. Thanks for your message, if you want to reply you can click the talk link below by my name to get to my message page. Have a good one!
KristinaWeis | **talk** 14:11, 25 June 2007 (PDT)
I talked with Brandon_CS_Sanders via the AboutUs WebIRC and he answers with a resounding "of course, as long as they are licensed under By-SA" to your question of whether AboutUs permits Meatball wiki blogging. I wish I knew more on the this topic, but I am excited at the synergy of the ideas that we all seem to share about what wiki can be and do. Good'ay.
KristinaWeis | **talk** 14:34, 25 June 2007 (PDT)
p.s. At WikiAnatomy we have some tours set up for newbies, but also an advanced track (tour 4 mostly) that highlights AboutUs values and the like. You might find it interesting.
KristinaWeis | **talk** 14:38, 25 June 2007 (PDT)

Wow! I'm in awe of your mediator work! ... One Tweak

Awesome is all I can say. It's fun to watch you work on UniversalWikiEditButton! Keep on rockin' :-)

Fridemar ... I love your energy on the UniversalWikiEditButton! There is one tweak to your style that I'd like to suggest. When I'm chatting with someone on their status page, I've found that I get a better response if I ruthlessly avoid trying to convince them and instead focus on listening to their concerns and tweaking the document to work from them. I love to convince people (salesman at heart), but I've found that I create a sort of allergic reaction when I include phrases that pressure them into changing from not yet to yes. I've gotten a high pressure sales tactic feeling from some of your comments and so thought I'd share my experiences in the hopes that they'd be helpful. Keep up the great listening work! It's a pleasure to be working with you :-) Warm Regards Brandon

Brandon ... thank you for the subtle support. Yes, meanwhile I've calmed down and try do work more on not so crowded territorium (as I hope). It is the idea of a, that operates on a minimum energy level. I copy to here some stuff, that appears to be ideally handled in, stuff that must be elaborated.

Perhaps you would love to be invited to be in the penny consortium of the founding committee. Welcome then. But be warned :-) it costs a real investment of ca. 0.80 US$ (80 pennies) to buy a 10% share of the bought domain. If this is too much, you can split your share with friends to reduce your costs to 0.08 US$s. I plan to offer other 10% shares in an open letter to BillGates, WarrenBuffet and other great philantropists. ( It should be the first time, that poor people make an offer to friendly and potent businessmen.)

Now comes the tricky part: All involved participants are "insiders", who make each transaction transparent, in the sense of OpenBusiness, realized in an OpenBusinessWiki with the goal of a SocialCommonWealth. They not only make their financial transactions open, but also collaborate openly in wikis and beyond, to increase their own "share-holder-value"; for short, they create value around the domain ( Ideas, Concepts, Software, Music, Art, ... ) This way, they can sell from time to time shares of their shares for market value, inviting more and more people to CreateAndShareWealth. It goes without saying, that nobody forbids them, to sell their own goods and services too. Instead of hoarding big shares, it is much more interesting to share shares in public:


  • people get more collaborators
  • people make "friends with the money"
  • people get more publicity
  • people who don't "fear the light of the day" develop the values of trust and goodwill. scales arbitrarily by subdomains like over ...

Each member can give and receive goods and services in public, where credits can be seen as special goods or services. Their accounts are listed in public.

PennyBank accumulates pennies on each user-account for public insight.

Only "members, who don't shy the light of the day" have an open account for OpenBusiness.

As PennyBank knows the email-addresses of each member (like AboutUs), "zero cost funds transfers via PayPal or similar services" might become possible.

Each member acts in the sense of MeatballWiki:WorkLikeAHoofSmith and reduces advertising costs.

I blog these intermediary thoughts for the benefit of all current and future interaction partners.

Heaven for you and all the beeings around us.

-- fridemar

(Work in Progress) Copied from my Meatball contribution to here for further refinement:

You needn't worry on the "use of an URL" as a suggested general practice in Meatball with heavy refactorisation work. It is a personal preference currently for the above mentioned reasons. In an OpenBusinessWiki however, where real transactions are initiated, with minimal transaction costs, I will promote it and test it. E.g. Today I bought the last top level domain name http://www.PennyBank.Biz. E.g. the intended successor buyer, who will own the name, could use it as a signature, in the following sense: (Please don`t laugh, it is only a funny example with a deeper meaning"): offers you a credit of 0,78 US$ at 4% p/a for buying a selfchosen domain-name, together with 9 other children of the OneLapTopPerChild project. Please subscribe our mailing-list, such that we can transfer the money without cost to your email-based group account at (say) Paypal. We waive the 4%, if you put on your homepage, the message, that you bought the domain with a credit of Soon a lot of children could have a domain-name of their own, offering penny credits, with different conditions, depending on their creativity. At the same time, the children are developing their domains by associating their own ideas, music and artwork with it. The domain-names can be used in different ways, e.g. forwarded to blogs, producing adsense income, they can be SLURL interfaces to SecondLife and other MetaVerse s, or simply objects for sale. They can make unregulated pink sheet IPOS as initial offerings, "over the counter", etc. We have to explore the rules for this market, that is imho one of the candidates for OpenBusiness, OpenBusinessWikis building a SocialCommonWealth for the prognosted 200 Mio children and other peers, who like to be partners. -- fridemar

End Copy

Dear Brandon, it's a pleasure to working with you.

All the best to you and all the people around us.

Fridemar 13:57, 10 July 2007 (PDT)

Fridemar 13:26, 10 July 2007 (PDT)

Media Wiki Syntax

try TheWikiWay:WikiSyntax - it is one stop on a starter tour for new wiki folk. Not sure I am tracking your last comment on my universal wiki edit button page. MarkDilley

Thank you Mark for the direct link, which saves me time; you are invited to be part of the How do you think about it? Fridemar 13:24, 10 July 2007 (PDT)