Revision as of 06:04, 27 April 2011 by MarkDilley (talk | contribs)


According to NPD, which measures both hardware and software gaming sales, US video game sales fell 10.2% during this a transitional period into next-generation gaming. The top selling game was New Super Mario Bros. (DS), followed by Kingdom Hearts II (PS2), Brain Age (DS), God of War (PS2), and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360). In terms of hardware, Nintendo reported that it sold 136,000 DS Lite units on Sunday and Monday and expect to sell through 500,000 unites in the first 10 days. This would match the original DS sales numbers when it launched back in November of 2004.

A Gawker Kotaku reader found a PS3 controller on display at the Ginza showroom that has "Select" misspelled as "Serect." That's all we're going to say. Oh, and Engrish just got a new entry. Oh, and Donna Chang is not Asian, so "that changes everything!"

You know how, in first person shooters, you're running all the time while observing the polygonal world down the barrel of a gun? Yeah, good times. As clear and undeniable proof that not only are video games not realistic but they're totally funny, we point you towards this Goldeneye spoof-video where our would be James Bond kicks his feet so high in the air, it reminds me of ... well, me in high school gym class I guess.

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