
Revision as of 04:40, 9 April 2008 by nicolascleansoc (talk | contribs) (nicolascleansoc)



About Us
About Our Services
Contact Us
Admin Access
Welcome to Nicolas Cleans OC!

We are a licensed and insured cleaning services provider.

Our friendly staff has been providing our Orange County customers with cleaning services for residential dwellings and commercial properties since 2003.

We specialize in providing affordable, reliable cleaning and maintenance services for:

+ Commercial: Office Buildings, Office Suites, Construction Job Site Clean-Up, Janitorial/Maintenance.

+ Residential: House, Condominium, Apartment, Rental Property, Vacation Property.

We offer flexible scheduling with competitive rates available for weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly service and maintenance, depending on your needs and budget.

Ask us about our 24-Hour cleaning services. We're available for around-the-clock service as needed!!!

Do you have a question about our cleaning services? Please contact us by e-mail for more information. Or, call 949-573-1117 (office), or 949-842-7598 (cell/voice mail) to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION. OUR PROMOTIONS $70 FIRST-TIME RESIDENTIAL CLEANING: Includes - Two (2) Rooms plus FREE cleaning in the following areas: Kitchen (Outside oven, refrigerator); Single Bathroom

Print and present the online coupon to a supervisor at time of initial in-home consultation to receive this special online promotional discounted rate.

Please click here or see our "Promotions" link above for more details.

OUR CUSTOMERS SAY: "Fantastic service...always courteous...we recommend this company to anyone."

OUR GUARANTEE: With the stress and pressures everyone endures on a daily basis (long work hours, social commitments, family), we understand that cleanliness and organization is an important factor for maintaining quality of life. Therefore, we will stand by our guarantee and honor our original quote provided upon initial consultation, no matter the condition of the area(a) we are expected to clean and maintain.

Please contact us by e-mail or call 949-573-1117 for more information about our guarantee and related policies. © 2008 Nicolas Cleans O.C. - Web Design, Hosting by



About Us
About Our Services
Contact Us
Admin Access
Welcome to Nicolas Cleans OC!

We are a licensed and insured cleaning services provider.

Our friendly staff has been providing our Orange County customers with cleaning services for residential dwellings and commercial properties since 2003.

We specialize in providing affordable, reliable cleaning and maintenance services for:

+ Commercial: Office Buildings, Office Suites, Construction Job Site Clean-Up, Janitorial/Maintenance.

+ Residential: House, Condominium, Apartment, Rental Property, Vacation Property.

We offer flexible scheduling with competitive rates available for weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly service and maintenance, depending on your needs and budget.

Ask us about our 24-Hour cleaning services. We're available for around-the-clock service as needed!!!

Do you have a question about our cleaning services? Please contact us by e-mail for more information. Or, call 949-573-1117 (office), or 949-842-7598 (cell/voice mail) to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION. OUR PROMOTIONS $70 FIRST-TIME RESIDENTIAL CLEANING: Includes - Two (2) Rooms plus FREE cleaning in the following areas: Kitchen (Outside oven, refrigerator); Single Bathroom

Print and present the online coupon to a supervisor at time of initial in-home consultation to receive this special online promotional discounted rate.

Please click here or see our "Promotions" link above for more details.

OUR CUSTOMERS SAY: "Fantastic service...always courteous...we recommend this company to anyone."

OUR GUARANTEE: With the stress and pressures everyone endures on a daily basis (long work hours, social commitments, family), we understand that cleanliness and organization is an important factor for maintaining quality of life. Therefore, we will stand by our guarantee and honor our original quote provided upon initial consultation, no matter the condition of the area(a) we are expected to clean and maintain.

Please contact us by e-mail or call 949-573-1117 for more information about our guarantee and related policies. © 2008 Nicolas Cleans O.C. - Web Design, Hosting by

Basic Philosophy

BeABuilder involves the desire to build and acting on that desire, while keeping your heart in the right place. It is important to keep the other values of the WikiWay in mind during the process of building, since creation typically involves creative destruction.

BeABuilder begins with the belief that everyone has come to AboutUs to participate in something constructive and informative following the tenets of AssumeGoodFaith.

BeABuilder is also a commitment to creating something, to becoming actively involved in the AboutUs community and contributing your work.

There is a tacit implication in BeingABuilder that what has been built before you was designed for you to improve. By contributing you open up your work to collaboration and improvement.

What We Are Building

  • Connections between people
  • Ways of collaborating and working together
  • A collectively valuable resource

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

In order to BeABuilder, it is important not to sweat the small stuff. Remember that ChangeIsCheap. You can perfect the page later, but the first step is to get it started. The idea can be likened to building with Legos, you start somewhere and let the creation take shape, adding and subtracting, constantly re-factoring what you are building. This will also allow a jumping off place for the rest of the community. Focus on the big picture, knowing that other can and will fine-tune your work and ideas.

To achieve this, click "edit" and "save" often. Doing so creates a visual history of your thoughts and changes that others can use to understand and build on top of your work. Clicking "edit" and "save" a lot also allows you to quickly jump into a document and get your hands dirty.

This links to the ReleaseEarlyReleaseOften philosophy common in the Open Source community:

  1. People seed a page with an idea that's often vague and poorly worded. It is rough and that's okay, that's expected. It's a beginning.
  2. Other people come along and re-factor it. There is a freedom from fear that others are going to judge their effort as unworthy, in fact the expectation is that others will judge their efforts as highly valuable.

Other Types of Building

BeABuilder isn't just about great Wiki page creations. BeABuilder is also about building a diverse, vibrant community. Just as there are different types of people in the world, there are different types of builders. We celebrate great writers, organizers, thinkers, artists, and leaders. Part of being a builder is a commitment to collaboration and communication. Anything on the Wiki that is collaborative in nature is part of building the community. Building is everything from a group of people collaborating to create a great Wiki page, a portal, a consensus poll; people building our community; or helping the AboutUs staff by patrolling recent changes and defining who we are.


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