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Tripadvisor logo.jpg is considered to be one of the largest travel communities in the world hosting more than 5 million reviews and opinions that cover over 200,000 hotels and travel attractions. This web site provides recommendations for hotels, inns, resorts, vacations, travel packages and many more.

The great thing about this web site is that it provides real advice from travelers that have visited the places they reviewed.

The front page of this website contains all the important tools to plan your next trip. Find hotels or flights and check out the reviews for all these. After coming back from your trip, you can even post your ratings, so other people will find out what you recommend or not. Check out The Good, the Bad and the Ugly section that contains real stories to go to places that are good, and avoid those that won’t allow you to have a great vacation. Find out how to get around in the places you want to go. There are articles written by members of this website, and these can be trusted. The website offers you numerous tops, including top Cape Town hotels, Caribbean hotspots and many more.

On the bottom section of the front page you find links to hotels in popular destinations as well as top destinations. On the right hand side of the front page there is a very nice section that contains pics from different destinations, shared by people who have spent their vacation there. See with your own eyes what is there to be seen about the place you intend to go. Sometimes the pictures say it all.

Another thing that makes your trip planning a lot easier with is the fact that you are provided with easy and quick access to all the major online travel web sites, such as,, American Airlines.

Join the forums, and get in touch with other users, and obtain valuable tips on how to plan or not to plan your vacation to a certain destination.

What doesn’t do for you is the web site that will help you plan your trip by providing you the best travel information, but there are some aspects of your trip that can’t be fulfilled by the Tripadvisor team. For instance, does not take hotel reservations. In case you need more information about your reservations or you need travel directions, you should directly contact the hotel.

Added By Jim Dicken a review of Trip Advisor and its policies. While this site claims to publish only subjective reviews, it allows many reviews to be posted with no proof of the problems existing. People are allowed to make any claim, that is close to reasonable in order to harm a business. Responses by businesses are not allowed the same leniency. This site promotes slander against legitimate business interests. At no point is any proof required of any person who posts a review on this site. Example: Claims of Mold which could be photographed are not required to claim a facility has mold. While most people recognize that tastes differ, so do the motives of people making posts. Some people are just demanding and when their demands are not met they feel justified in raising 10 kinds of heck to cause problems so that a business will acceed to their demands. Some businesses will tolerate this others will not and are familiar with the workings of the "Professional Customer" who believes that the customer is always right. Truth is Customers are not always right. Some times they want more than is available or more than was offered for the price. These are the professional complainers who inhabit this kind of unproven subjective review site. Beware of the reviews on this site. Be extremely wary of the most damaging reviews, when others reviewing the same facility provide a good review. Please remember that the top ten accommodations may not always be the best ten accommodations

Trip advisor provides a lot of advertising possibilities for the travel agencies or individual hotels and attractions. If you want to advertise your company’s sales you can always contact the Tripadvisor team. also operates in the UK through and that it provides travel suppliers the possibility to advertise online.

All in all, this website offers great support for those who are planning a vacation. Avoid booking a disastrous hotel or flying with an airline that does not provide you with comfort. Get tips from people who have had good and bad experience and ensure that nothing will ruin your vacation.


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