
Revision as of 00:37, 1 June 2009 by Fridemar (talk | contribs)

This is an OpenLetter to the founders of with notification to the

Dear John O'Halloran, CEO

Dear Pat Ferrel, CTO

your excellent SocialSoftware, which I use and recommend in different wikis, since years, the friendly community spirit here and on your site and beyond that: several other factors encourage me, to write this public letter.

Other factors:

  • the rise of G WikiNomics, G OpenBusiness and the fledgeling G ExtremeOpenBusiness
  • the successful wiki project of Aboutus to make an editable catalog of all Websites, establishing friendly synergies by and with friendly connectors.
  • the literature of e.g.
    • Grown up Digital by Tapscott, the author of the bestseller Wikinomics How mass collaboration changes everthing and
    • Web+2.0+a+strategy+guide by Amy Shuen, who stresses the importance of fostering Web communities and how this is done. E.g. He puts the focus on communities like Facebook with: ".. Facebook is promising economic freedom - third party applications can run adds and sell goods and services to their hearts' content .."
    • A world without poverty by Mohammad Yunus, successful founder of the G, "Bank of the Poor", which earned him the nobel prize. In his book he advocates, that kids should learn how to become entrepreneurs.
    • and many others
  • the 200 million kids of the G project who will get the resources to catch up with digital standards, and for which we are preparing a G
  • the study of your investor links
  • Our G SocialDomaining project, which aims at the 200 million OLPC-kids
  • the innovative free Paypal Storefront widget, which is allowed to be embedded in blogs and community sites, like MySpace, later in FaceBook and many others .. and of course on each site, where the owner can control their own HTML.
  • my own observations of successful and less successful community strategies, discussed in the specialized MeatballWiki community
  • and now the (by the author) discovered capability of Meatball:TrailMarks to embed not only YouTube widgets but also the free Storefront G Paypal Storefront (Even Paypal appearantly doesn't know this gem).

As you write in your license terms, that only non-commercial use is allowed, many potential users may be deterred from your otherwise excellent SocialSoftware. This may reduce the chances for Firetrail to really get the broad user base that it deserves and so encouraging other software developers to offer a similar product but with more community friendly licensing as e.g.,

So I ask you in the name of zillions of possible users, please allow us (at least) a pilot-project of OpenBusiness to use Trailfire for WikiNomics oriented commercial use.

On the page [1] the author has prepared a screenshot and a not yet functionally enabled Trailmark to "get the picture".

If you give green light, we can immediately start with a transaction of initial symbolic 100US$, which G RaymondKing the CEO of has pledged.

The author makes a copy of his feedback in your suggestionbox at ... in form of this public letter on [2], where all links are conveniently resolved.

If you answer here, this helps very much, because it documents your decision in public in accordance with the core value of Transparency.

You can have a good feeling, because vandalism here is rare, due to:

  • password-protected membership
  • a complete version history
  • a big enough staff of patrouilling protectors
  • a great insight by the site-owners to keep their investment protected

Your answer at your earliest convenience would make the author very happy, because he and the staff member MarkDilley has anything prepared to start this venture.

All the best fridemar 16:59, 31 May 2009 (PDT) WorkInProgress

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