User talk:ChristopherBabson

Revision as of 22:16, 12 December 2007 by JDCohen (talk | contribs) (Category "Lawyer" changed to "Attorney")


How to Write an Article

Hi Chris, Im Mehru and i joined the AboutUs Staff, Lahore a day ago.Already I have started working on a portal called Portal:The Underground Act:Lahore. I was discussing the portal with Ray and he suggested I get in touch with you.Though the portal is in its early stage, once a framework has been laid I wanted to have an option where these bands can upload their audio files(as they are not commercial, they don't have any video except the ones covered live).However, most of my staff members were unaware of a procedure whereby this could be done.Perhaps, you know of a way to do it? Mehrunnisa

Hi Chris, I finished a first draft of How to Write an Article and was hoping you would take a look. Feel free to change/delete anything. Have a good one. Blake Hinckley 15:09, 16 August 2007 (PDT)

Hi Chris, thanks for the welcome. It seems to me that the AboutUs thing is great. I am a new comer to Wiki trying to leran more about it (and about RSS feeds too...). Are the things I've added in english to the page all right? Please you're wlecome to change anything I might have spelled in bad or approximative english. Now, a question : is it bettrer to make a new page in french or to include a french translation in the original page ? Thanks RE: OptimaGest Management Consulting Belgium

Hi Chris, Thanks for the welcome message... Like the others here I think this site is a great idea but still learning all about it. (not even sure if this is how you reply :) )

Cheers from Belgium John

RE:Top Of The World Graphics

Thanks for the comment- I just found this site and I'm just figuring out how all this Wiki stuff works

Thank you again!


Re: Urbinadesign -- the new image I added is not appearing -- File:flyer-1.jpg what did I do wrong? It is mine I own it.

Hello Chris, many thanks for your introductory e-mail - it is really appreciated. I take your point but I will leave my changes as they are for the time being. Kind regards,


Hi Chris, I'm not sure if this is how i am supposed to reply. But thanks for your message.


Chris - thanks for the help on Today was my first visit and I'm just getting up to speed.

Gene Seibel

Chris - thanks for the help on Also many thanks for making it your featured site.

Rob H.

Chris - Added your caricature from RCC ... where is the top of your head?

I see I'm not the only you've given a helping hand to! The mini-logo you added to the page is nice. I was actually wondering how I could jolly the page a little. I just moved from a Mambo to a Wordpress-based site and haven't yet finished the graphic side. So the logo was a welcome surprise.


Thankyou for your only just getting used to this interface, and was a little lost finding my way around.

Bold text


Thanks for your help

Thanks for you help with RVGS Library page. I appreciate your work.


Thank you for correcting my efforts on ukexpert. It was my first visit. I am not very familiar with this method of replying. Hope I got it right this time


Hi, Chris. Yes, I uploaded an image trying to afix it to my aboutus page for my website . Can you fix that for me or do I need to do something? - Azalea206


Image:Bandage.jpeg where is this image from, do we have the rights to use it? --Simon | talk 16:07, 15 March 2007 (PDT)

Now that the portal has gone public, are the infringing images going to be removed? --Simon | talk 22:36, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

I removed your feature notice from the page as the content was from Wikipedia and I removed it. --Simon | talk 09:56, 22 March 2007 (PDT)


Hi Chris, Thanks for welcoming me! Daneen

Thanks Chris

Thanks chris for the welcome note appreciate it much. But i am trying to edit my sites details but cannot get new logo to display on the same, you think you got the time to help me fix that ? site is Sbclansite.

Quick edit fixed the issue. :)



Image:EyeSurgery.jpg | Image:Bandage.jpeg | Image:Pencil.gif those are the only ones I could confirm that aren't free clipart. --Simon | talk 13:35, 26 March 2007 (PDT)

  • Also Image:Dict.jpg when your uploading new images can you just link to where they came from or explain why you are allowed to use them, thanks. --Simon | talk 16:04, 26 March 2007 (PDT)
  • Your image you uploaded Image:Dictionary.jpg, as noted on the Flickr page is by-nc and can't be used on AboutUs. --Simon | talk 16:39, 27 March 2007 (PDT)

Many Thanks

Thanks for the very nice introductory e-mail, Chris. I made one more minor edit for the time being - once I get some material together I should be able to flesh some content out. Thanks again!



this video is so great, it's like the opposite of the holocaust.

Re: Hi Chris, I have to double check the email I signed up with on my AboutUs account, because I didn't receive any notification emails regarding your nomination, or other info. I am very appreciative that you nominated my page! Thanks for that, and I certainly would like to hear feedback on how to make the page worthy of a feature! I am glad you feel the information is useful to the AboutUs community, and I will do my best to contribute however I can.

All The Best (and Happy Easter) 5pcom

Retrieved from ""


Hey Chris, check out User talk:Regis - Best, MarkDilley

can you help

Hello and thanks for your note. I am trying to put a link to my site on the I can't figure out how to do it. I've read throughy the help sections but I am still confused. Can you help? Thanks, Susan


Thanks for your welcome note. Can you help me post a link under I am having trouble

Look what we can do

Thanks for the welcome!

Hello and thanks for the welcome to


Hello Chris,

I just noticed your message. Thanks for the welcome. is one of my domain names. I go through and check them and update the information if it is required, on my names only. In this particular case, I revised the owner information, since AboutUs picked up the previous registrant.

The previous registrant is still the copyright holder for the image collection. The name, however, expired on March 30, 2003. I re-registered it, along with for copyright identification purposes. The details of the current copyright can be found at


MK Reviews =

Thank Christopher for the message left with regard to image upload on I would like further help, as I find it difficult to navigate to links, ideally there shud be a downloadable PDF format help file so that I can study it and then start updating or adding reviews. Furthermore, I wanna write about 20 websites, some of them have been designed by me which already exist, like etc. If possible, Kindly advise if there is an offline help download or a chat help?

page naming

Hi Chris, could you look at LASIK page naming when you get a chance? I ended up creating PageNameBestPractices to look at the issue both for the LASIK area and for AboutUs at a whole. Thanks! TedErnst

Hi Chris, woudl you mind moving your comment on PageNameBestPractices into a {{NotYet}} status message, or simply editing the document directly to reflect your views. Otherwise, we have two different versions on the page and people can't easily mark themselves YES or NotYet because they won't know which one we're talking about. Thanks! TedErnst

Too Good to Busk

Hi Chris,

Loved the busking video and you have a great voice. Really enjoyed it. Tanwir Shah

Sorry I spelt your name wrong (embarrasment to the power of 10) and you really do have an amazing singing voice. Tanwir Shah

phone call about LASIK?

Hi Chris,

I understand you're the man I need to talk with about LASIK Manhattan. I've been working with the Lahore editors on their LASIK city portals and would like to talk over with you where we are and next steps. And if I'm off and you're not the man, let's talk anyway, shall we? Have any time today before 3pm Portland? Or tomorrow? Name your time or just give me a call. 312 371 6625 thanks! TedErnst

Re : Booking BG

Chris , I work as a sales executive in a 5* star hotel and I started as a project some time ago related to my work and I really enjoyed doing it :) The site will change in design soon and will get more functionality. If you ever need a travel advice or u're coming to Bulgaria, feel free to ask questions :) This site is great and very helpful, I learned a lot about other sites and got some serious ideas. 10x once again for being supportive .



Hi Chris. I tried to put up some images but it did not work. Any tips cheers Simon Template:unsigned

LASIK letter

Hi Chris,

I'd love your thoughts on teh whole Portal Talk:LASIK page. The letter links are in a section near the middle [1]. We haven't done any work yet on the 2nd letter, nor do we really know what it would be used for, except perhaps to attempt to get more participation from those that answer the first one. peace, ted


Chris, there's a new idea to make one Lasik city "perfect" and we've set it up so you have veto power. Check it out when you get a chance? TedErnst

Storyteller's Bazaar

Hello Chris,

Have you paid a visit to TheStorytellersBazaar yet? If not, please do. It's jam packed with all sorts of writing activities. Read some of the contributions and hopefully they will inspire you to contribute too. The more you contribute the better the site will become. Come and have a look and enjoy. Tanwir Shah

communication / wiki company

Hi Chris, I suppose this is another example of a wiki company having a hard time communicating. You're the LASIK expert, and Brandon was the one that trained teh Lahore guys to get them started. I'm now worried that they've done a bunch of work that's non-critical path in terms of getting more sponsorships. So, I'm worried about morale if we chose Manhattan or Portland. Obed makes a case for Dallas. He says it's top 5 in adwords. It also was done by Lahore. What do you think? Dallas now, then Portland and Manhattan as 2 & 3? TedErnst

Hi Chris, I'd just like to say a few things about what Ted has written above. Firstly, we may be in Lahore and you may be in Portland but we are one group not two. What we do, we do as one group and our decisions will be made as one group. There is no you and us there is just AboutUs. When we first started working on the Lasik portal we were each given a city to work on. I'm sure you were aware of this because you made initial comments on my work in Houston and also Wasim's in San Francisco. I don't see where the communication gap is. As far as doing 'a bunch of work that's non-critical path in terms of getting more sponsorships' that is yet to be seen, or is one part of America more likely to attract sponsorships than another? We are working together on a single project I do not see anything that suggests that some work is critical and some is non-critical nor have I or anyone else in Lahore received any indication of this from Brandon, Ted or yourself, until today.
The second point I would like to make is that of morale. I find it odd that this is even being mentioned. There is no question of morale being raised or lowered on the choice of the first city we work on. We are all sensible people and understand the importance of discussions and coming to intelligent decisions. None of us own the cities we create. They are part of a greater whole and the decisions we make should be for the betterment of that greater whole. Whether work was done in Lahore, Portland, Chicago, Ottawa or Timbuktu for that matter, does not make an ounce of difference and to suggest otherwise would be to go against some of the fundamental values of AboutUs.
Finally, I would like to suggest that, in future, these discussions be held on the discussion section of the Lasik project page rather than people's user pages so that any problems can be talked about in a spirit of openness and unity. Tanwir Shah
I agree with Tanwir Obed Suhail

Thanks for nominating to be a featured AboutUs site

Dear Chris, Thank you for the nomination. Even though our page is a work in progress, we will be delighted to be featured at Cordially, star.gif The Global Fusion Team.


Chris, I think we're ready for you to check in again at Projects:LASIK#Are we done with a "perfect" Dallas?. peace, TedErnst

Chris, could you take one more look and then either strike your comments that have been both taken care of and added to the criteria? And go to yes, if you're ready? peace, TedErnst
Chris, could you edit the moot comments out (assuming the stuff that's been taken care of is now moot) when you get a chance? Thanks! TedErnst

LASIK Dallas

I updated the Projects:LASIK page today to reflect that it is now in the hands of the AboutUs business office. Content/community won't work on it again (another city, I presume) until it gets prioritized in the planning game, and that doesn't seem to make sense until the calls for Dallas are on their way to completion. Let me know if I've got any of this wrong, from your point of view. peace, TedErnst

I can't speak for Obed or Asad. We'll have to ask them directly. How far along are the Dallas calls? I ask because I'm wondering if this decision can wait until the planning game next week. If so, it might help the planning game process actually gain some legitimacy. LASIK definitely was not prioritized last week, but if the Dallas calls are done, or getting close enough to done that it seems we need to have another city done, then it would make sense to put LASIK back on the priority list for the two weeks following. What do you think? Also, when it does get prioritized, would you like to choose a city? We'd talked about doing either Portland or Manhattan because of the sponsorships already secured there. What do you think? TedErnst

Chris, I have no problem with this. And, I'm wondering about the planning game. Does it make sense for the company as a whole if we wait on this until Wednesday so this work perfecting cities can be properly prioritized for the company as a whole? If that does make sense, then I recommend you pick a number of cities you think we should finish in the two weeks following the planning game, and we can see about estimating how much time that will take, so the planning game can either ratify that plan, or modify it, or reject it. If I'm way off here, and not understanding the planning game and prioritization and how this all is supposed to work, let me know so we can figure this out. Thanks! TedErnst


Hi Chris, Thanks for the comments on the Storyteller's Bazaar and the fractals. It's good you have 'officially' made contact but you may remember I complemented you on your busking a while back. I still think you have a great voice.

What has confused me is that one minute your message was there (I was reading it) and the next it was gone. After thinking about your comments on Lasik I realise you have mistaken me for Asad and that is probably why you deleted everything. Even the nice comments.

Never mind. I expect you will write to Asad instead. You may want to say something nice about his FunHouse project. Just a suggestion. Tanwir Shah

Re:Contact regarding LASIK

Hi Chris,
Great to know that you like FunHouse. Thanks for encouraging me on it. I wonder if you could make contributions to it whenever you feel like.

Regarding Lasik, I think now that the portal has entered a stage when we are almost done (with one city at least), and have handed it over to the sales office, it's a great idea to be in touch with each other more often, so we can coordinate our efforts in a better way. Your idea regarding having a few more cities perfected for you to make phone calls instead of waiting for lasik providers from one city to respond, which I understand might be quite a tedious process, also makes sense to me. Let’s put this thing on Portal talk:LASIK or Projects:LASIK to discuss it further with others who are involved and interested in this project and reach a decision that is good for us.

As far as including Portland and Manhattan in first set of cities to be perfected is concerned, the only thing affecting my thinking is: How much time will a particular city take to be perfected? I personally favor choosing cities that are most near to completion so that we can hand them over to you as soon as possible, that is, if we decide to take this line of action at all.

Let us then go about it and discuss these things. Hope to hear from you soon. Have a wonderful day! Asad Butt

Re:LASIK next cities

Hi Chris, nice to hear from you. The plan sounds good to me. Asad and I added five cities to the list of next cities on the project page; please let us know how you feel about them. Best, Obed Suhail


Hi Chris,

We've updated OurWork to reflect the changes on the planning game. Can you update the projects you're working on over the next two weeks? The full list of prioritized projects is up on OurWork. - Scott Keeler Comment_green.gif

Hi Christopher, The AboutUsLogo ConsensusPoll has surpassed all it's GoThresholds and we will be turning on the DoneTimer as soon as all participants have been notified. This means that all participants now have the opportunity to check AboutUsLogo one more time, to make sure we haven't overlooked something. Please feel free to change the document and/or change your status, if need be. Best, Obed Suhail



I would just like to tell you about the WhoWeAre consensus poll. This is a unique opportunity for all community members to discuss and decide what AboutUs is and more importantly what role we, the community, plays.

The discussion is still in its initial stages and there are a handful of people involved in this discussion. But it's not enough. Every one of us has a stake in this process. We all need to air our views. Our opinions will make a difference. We cannot and must not let a handful of people define us. We must speak out and contribute because we are being defined and I for one would like to have a say in how I am being defined.

Please contribute to this really important project. Without you it cannot successfully create a good definition of who we are. Tanwir Shah


Hey Chris,

I got a note from Asma in Lahore on my talk page about what portal to next work on. I'm passing this on to you since you're working with the Common Answers/Content stuff now. Looks like she'd really be interested in a portal on a famous actress or something. -- TakKendrick


Hi Chris, where are we on this? I know two weeks ago you wanted to have more cities prioritized in the planning game, but it didn't happen. Did you present this for consideration this past week? Is Dallas call status somewhere that everyone can see? What do you see as next steps? TedErnst

No, Obed & Asad have not been doing any more cities. The last you and I spoke, several weeks ago, the idea was to prioritize getting more cities ready. You missed a planning game, and we never heard another word about this since then. Communication! I'm not sure how this could be considered something ongoing. Obed, Asad and I haven't had any information from you, so we have shelved Projects:LASIK. It seems that Brandon must be working on this, given overnight edits from Asad. Could you please take a look at Projects:LASIK and commit to working with us on that page? TedErnst
I think I understand the confusion. LASIK has been going on for a long time, long before I started working on it. I didn't know there was a such thing as on-going work that's outside the planning game. This is news to me. The planning game process itself has been pretty confusing, so I suppose this isn't surprising. What I would recommend is that going forward you know that not everyone knows what you know in your head. We all need to get better at communicating on project pages about what's going on. I think the new DistributedPlanningGame will help. Did you see the link for the Lasik/Dallas Perfect? I see you removed that link. I'm pretty sure this is coming from Ray and/or Brandon in Lahore. In any event, I think we need to see how the new planning game process takes shape. I do not have authority over Asad or Obed's work (nor yours, of course), so will not be saying yea or nay to your idea. We'll just have to keep talking. peace, TedErnst

Sounds good, Chris. Have you see the page about making dallas more perfect? TedErnst

Re: Category: Portland

Wouldn't the information you added to this category better fit under Category: Portland Oregon? I mention this because there are several Portlands (the best known being Portland, Maine which needs its own category), & pointing this category to only one will annoy or offend those who live in or near the others. -- Llywrch 09:34, 24 August 2007 (PDT)


Hi Chris, as an effort to minimize the distinction between AboutUsStaff and ActiveMembers, we are replacing the AboutUsStaff/AboutUsEmployees/AboutUsStaffCity categories with AboutUsCity Category. You are welcome to share your ideas/thoughts on AboutUsPeopleCleanup#Discussion page. Best, Obed Suhail

Great Music Great City

Hello Christopher, I had a moment to stop at your myspace page and listen to some of your first written music you have posted! Great Stuff! I just aded you as a friend! My brother lives in Portland Oregon and currently works for I have had the opportunity to visit there and truly loved the atmosphere it provided. especially as a horticulturist! Everything was so green and the Rose Gardens were incredible! The only drawback was those foggy dreary mornings waiting for the sun to pop out! Anyways just wanted to say hello and introduce myself! Bryan W. Daugherty | talk

Content Team

Hi Chris

I was perfecting the five articles I worked on and in all of them (Pink Floyd,Gwen Stefani,The Beatles and Casablanca) you suggested I add "internal links".However, I had included above 30 internal links in all of them already....How many more do you think I should add to make these pages better?Mehrunnisa


Hi! Chris! Hope you will be fine,I am working on Category:Allied_Health_Professionals.

Do I need to elaborate it further? as I have composed it according to the (category) requirements.The category is depicting the 'career sites' of Allied Health Professionals mostly..
Thank you!
Asma Khan


Hi chris, could you please tell me what the procedure for getting sponsors is?...there might be a few people who would be interested to be sponsors for the portal i am working on... also...good idea regarding the internal links..ill see what format i can come up with so it doesnt get confusing for the user..Mehrunnisa

Lasik Estimate

Hi Chris, here is my estimate of the time taken for Lasik's one city listing and the goal for the period 1-15 Sept, 2007:

One city listing can be broken into three different parts namely:

  1. General listing on the main page for the city (clinics, addresses, contact info, thumbnail, equipment, doctors, cost for all the lasik centers in that city)
  2. Domain/Clinic pages (Services, doctors, locations, contact info, internal linking etc)
  3. Doctors' pages (Current position/s, Education, certifications, affiliations/memberships, publications, internal linking etc)

Now all three parts take roughly about equal time, which after the initial learning phase is about 1.5 days ("at least", I tend to say). This means that one city portal should take about 5 days (3 pair days for one city is more realistic)

Since there are 6.5 people in the content team right now, this means that the content team has 32.5 pair days in a typical two-week time period (I am not counting the 6.5 pair days gone from this period). So the goal in my view should be 11 cities. If you account for the learning phase, for 5 new people in Lahore, I think completing 7 city portals in this portal should be achievable.

Have a nice day. Asad

NewSkin Beta Preview

Hello Chris!

We've noticed your contributions and are glad to be on the AboutUs team with you! As an ActiveMember your energy and ideas determine our future direction. One way that ActiveMembers stay "in the loop" is to participate in the beta previews of large new changes to the site before they are generally released.

Today we're starting a limited beta preview of an earthy NewSkin intended to reflect the alive and growing AboutUs community. The NewSkin is designed to feel wholesome and connected with the real world. This choice was made to reassure the many folks who feel that the internet is a "scary place" where mean people hide behind fake identities and shout insults at each other. We hope that the NewSkin evokes our values in a way that helps visitors and members alike feel grounded in true community.

We'd love your help putting the NewSkin through its paces! To give it a whirl you'll need to be logged in. Once you are logged in, go to "my preferences" | "skin" and select "design". Don't forget to then click the "save" button! You can always go back to the current skin by selecting "aboutus" via the same steps.

Your feedback on the new look for aboutus will help ensure that it has a maximally positive impact when we roll it out. Thanks for being a valuable member of the community, we look forward to your feedback on the NewSkin page!

Warm Regards,
the DevelopmentTeam

About Long Tail Content and Lasik

Hi! Chris!

I have done amendments in Category:Allied Health Professionals,hope they are according to your suggestions and Category:Artificial on the same structure.
Some of the listing of LASIK San Jose California have been made but needs more work.
I want to ask whether is it the right kind of pattern these pages require?
Thank you!Asma Khan

hello chris! thanks for your feedback..however, somethings you've mentioned like mentioning IMBD on Angelina jolie's page (its already mentioned ALONGwith over there.. and i have linked internally as well on every page, everything I could possibly internally link. Also, im going about revamping the pages according to what u have said, however, as for beer tasting and the 4starhotel,i want to leave the extra added info right there.. because i think the central point was making a page that we as a person feel people/users would want to access, be informative for them, and will have fun with as well. keeping all this in mind, if there is extra information on a certain page, i think its for benefit, not harm. I myself, when websurfing,often go to pages and want a *little extra something* there as well..hence, those looking up beertasting may be pleasantly surprised to find wine tasting there as well, and same goes for the 4starhotel-because having devices to compare prices right then and there is very convenient as well.anyway,take care Salihawaqar

Edits on the content page

Hey Chris

thanks for your recommendations!

all or most of your concerns have been met on the following pages now after further editing and additions:

Category:Pink Floyd, Category:The Beatles, Category:Soccer, Category:Simpsons, Category:Action Series, Category:Alkaline Battery, Category:Cartoon Dolls, Category:Casablanca.

I was sure to add more internal links,hard links, site results from wikimedia in the photo gallery section of people pages,more related categories,also added few descriptions on links.

Take a look.

Ill be working on the remaining of my pages to meet the basic concerns by tomorrow. also you are more then welcome to contribute to Category:Acoustic:) didnt cross my mind till you mentioned it and now it seems so odd i didnt include other musical im glad you pointed that out. Mehrunnisa

Your feedback

Hi Chris,

I'm back from The Wild, and have finally been able to go over your comments in detail. They're really useful; thanks for taking the time to review these pages! A few responses:

  • First, the general point about linking to other pages: taken and will do. I'd been plonking all possible things related to a search term in one article ; thinking of it as a family of articles from on search term (and its relatives) would be more useful.
  • Aggravated Assault: This is an article posted by a user as a future sample piece on the Writing Lab, not for its subject matter per se - though I can see that that might make an interesting portal in times to come. Perhaps it would be better if I moved it to Portal:Writing_Lab/... ?

Hmm, that's it really. Still trying to find the balance between too much detail in the link description and too little, but that's all...

FatimaRaja 02:25, 12 September 2007 (PDT)

Common Answers Ammendments


Thankyou! for your kind appreciation and providing input on my work.I have gone through all of the points and tried my best to implement them during this period.
I have tried to amend all the articles which you mentioned(By The Grace Of God) except 'hairstyles'.(Right now,I am working over it ..)
In case of Category::Allied Health Professionals,Your opinion were to put certain descriptions with the links..Only on (Job Sites) heading,I think that they look fine with the descriptions with in the links because the heading(Job Sites) it self, reflects the centres, offering jobs for AHP's(only my thoughts!)..
Other wise, I have done all the other updations and descriptions and if you still think that I should include more details in it, then let me know.
You may check all other articles and LASIK For San Jose,CA as well.
Thanks Again!Asma Khan

Re: PortlandTech

Hi Chris -- I don't know what kind of response you expected to receive form me, but I'd love to have some additional help with this area. So far it seems that I have been sidetracked off in the tedious -- yet, IMHO important -- job of untangling categories. (I was cleaning up one sad example of categories, in hope that the result will optomize the performance of the database when I saw your message.) I have some ideas for developing them, but far too often I just feel that I lack the imagination to make the "Portland Tech" idea truly work as a magnet to attract more people to stay on AboutUs & become part of the community.

Have we met in person? I had intended on stopping by the offices this week with the intention of having a few informal conversations & get some feedback on the PortlandTech Portal & how to improve the categories, but my schedule kept me from doing that. See my essay (there's a link to it from my user page) for a haphazard list of some of my ideas I'd like to discuss with the team. Will you be around the offices next Wednesday afternoon -- right before WikiWednesday? We could meet then. Otherwise, there will be a Portland BarCamp meetup tomorrow night at 5:30 over at Jive Software; but Mark & Tak know where it is. Let's get together at some point & discuss ideas. -- Llywrch 13:13, 26 September 2007 (PDT)

Well, to be honest I'd like to jump upon this too -- if you have volunteers eager to add content, I don't want to stand in their way -- but I do have a full-time job so I can't drop everything to work on this the moment you contacted me. I mentioned the BarCamp meetup because there is bound to be people involved in High Tech there who could be encouraged to add content to articles in this category, & it wouldn't hurt for both of us to try to encourage some interest in this project -- as well as throw out some ideas about this. However, if you feel that time is of the essence, please go ahead and work on this. This is a Wiki, after all, and everyone is welcome to contribute (well, within reason, of course). -- Llywrch 20:08, 26 September 2007 (PDT)

About Lasik

Hey Chris!

Hope you are fine.I have a question about Lasik:Seattle about something which you have mentioned on the task page. (( 30% aren't full enough in description)).
Can you please elaborate a little more what kind of more details ,I might be adding to doctors pages or where? :)
As, I have followed the pattern of Lasik:Dallas(doctors)
I will update after you mention the kind of details...
Secondly , I am doing the internal linking also which will be completed soon!

Asma Khan

Hi !

Hope you are doing fine.

I am back with my question.According to my opinion,should my search , for tech based companies include :
  1. IT Management software
  2. Telecommunication software
  3. Printing and Imaging software
  4. Business Integration software
  5. Server,storage,PC, and workstation software management
  6. Information management software
These are some software product list I have found for my search.So,should I continue with this sort of search for Portland?

Second question

Some times the domain page which already the bot has made contains the e-mail address and the address of the company but the actual website does not contain that information.As,some times the website does not have the e-mail and address ,in this case do we have to remove the bot generated info or we should not remove it.

e.g4za.comAsma Khan

WhoWeAre Stage 2

Hi Chris,

Having made significant progress with WhoWeAreStage1 in reaching 100% consensus, we are now ready to get on with stage 2. This consensus poll, as you know, has been started to make a collective decision as to the identity, values and mission statement of AboutUs, and as such it can't be complete without all of us participating. WhoWeAre Stage 2 is in progress; you are most welcome to have a look at the page and set your status accordingly and/or change the document to improve it. Best, Asad | *~talk~* 02:32, 3 October 2007 (PDT)

Articles to write

Hey Chris, where do I ping folks to add to the queue of articles to write: and Best, MarkDilley

About Lasik

Hey Chris!

I will continue with LASIK Florida,I had actually left it for the next two days.Thanks for the reminder.

Asma Khan


Thats been taken care off :-) thanks for the heads up. -take care Salihawaqar

PortlandTech -Updations


Glad to hear from you.
I shall resume up with the up-dations soon as my focus for today were Portland Tech and LASIK!

Asma Khan

3b Web Creations

Hi! Chris! I have a little question about the product page e.g Audix

Do i have to make an Audix page (separately) and then link that to 3B Web page?and do i have to add the image there only?Then what about the gallery?What to add there?
Uptill now i have just linked the product to its site and have added the sentence you have mentioned.
I have tried to find people for 3bWebCreations but they have not mentioned about the management , but for every product there are management teams on their sites?So,how to add

then? :) Asma Khan

User talk:Dallaslasik

FYI - probably someone you want to talk with. peace, TedErnst | talk 08:57, 13 October 2007 (PDT)

Categories vs. Tags

Hi Chris -- When I talked with you last month, you mentioned that categories would soon be replaced with tags. Any information when this will happen? -- Llywrch 11:40, 17 October 2007 (PDT)

DailyBuzz post

Love it! TedErnst | talk 18:32, 18 October 2007 (PDT)


  • Yes I am polishing up my own work as well as those done by others on PortlandTech and doing a little of LASIK 6 city listings for this period too :-) Thanks for the headsup Mariaw

Need Suggetion

Hi! Chris!

I wanted to ask whether the under mentioned information seems relevant to add in

Technology Meetups

A central list of user groups, technology meetups, and other events in Portland, OR. Also contains a list of resources for groups trying to plan an event.[2]
If not,please remove it!

Asma Khan

About people


In case of,Do we have to add people from the partners group?
e.g Can we add only the CEO's of the partners concerned?
Hope you are not busy with the Venture Capital project?
Good Luck for the Venture Preparation!

Asma Khan

FYI: diff - TedErnst | talk 17:42, 24 October 2007 (PDT)

test lasik template

Vinh_Nguyen/LasikTest it's a copy, with some changed data, of the Dallas page. The new template is in use, but it's missing a few styles that will need to be added later. --VinhNguyen 21:50, 24 October 2007 (PDT)

Weather Category Cool Addition

A User added to the Category:Weather page, it is a more specialized than the others- Wicklow, County Ireland. I fixed the link and replaced maybe a section for international? Kasey

PortlandTech badge

is here: PortlandTech MotifSmall.png --VinhNguyen 16:39, 30 October 2007 (PDT)

Another Content Task

Hey Chris,

I just created a new Content Task that we sort of talked about: Become experts at RC patrolling (Nov. 1-15)

While we're there, Mark and I want to make sure that everyone on the Content team has a core competency on RC, so this is just to make sure everyone takes time to work on RC with us and learn it if necessary. This will then feed into the 2 Hours RC Patrol (Nov. 1-15) task for future iterations.

It seems like there's a lot on the list now, so we might have to talk about how all these things will be done, but better engaging the Content Team with RC is certainly a priority for the trip.


Lasik Oakland


While considering Oakland to work on I have a little confusion that How to select my search as San Fransisco Bay Area which further includes San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland ?

Because selecting Oakland shows results for East Bay San Franisco ?

Can U please elaborate a little more? Asma

Hey Chris,

I noticed you added the logo PortlandTech MotifSmall.png on some PortlandTech people's Pages.I added the logo to some other Founder and CEO Pages.Is this the final logo and does this need to be put up on all portland tech related pages aswell?


Equipment --


Sorry to inquire again and again....about Lasik
Can you help me in finding equipment and services for this center ?
Thanks!Hope you all had a great time For Venture Project? :)

Asma Khan


Hey Chris,

Take a look at this page:

It gives us a better idea of how many pages are done and what is left.We made this page to facilitate our progress and divide the work better to get it done more effectively.By comparing this to the original category page we can also witness an increase in number of pages which will give us a dynamic view.{Today we started with 572 pages and cut off 229 done done pages.By the end of the day the category page showed 619 articles:an increase of 33 articles).Thus it helps us see where we are actually going and what can be expected to be done in the future.Perhaps the countdown box on top of the page can be added to the Portal as well to give it a feel of a progressive community?


About Lasik

Hi! Chris!

Thanks for giving directions for PortlandTech I will be adding the pages to the review section and this way DoneDone pages would be sorted.
Should I redirect LASIK Centers in Oakland, California to LASIK San Francisco as discussed earlier? or you may do it yourself to a center which you think is correct..


Here is how I came up with those people


I get sleepy while doing portland tech at times but not THIS sleepy to imagine things :P hehe .. kidding!Got em from their aboutus page :-)

Feedback on Portland Tech

The new PortlandTech Task page looks good.Also, two new full time interns Mubin and Arsalan are working explicitly on developing the person pages in Portal:PortlandTech/SuggestedTaglist following the same format for all, and adding more information and headings much like the doctor pages for lasik.So this is just to let you know that the portal can have a listing for the PortlandTech PEOPLE aswell.

Also we are hoping to develop a similar page for LASIK :)



Hi!Chris ! Hope you are fine.
Just to let you know that I am changing status of (needs work to needs review) as you have made the status needswork...
I have tried to merge the earlier edits with the new ones ..



Hello, While Mark was here we decided to kind of come up with a way of putting a metric on the LASIK , much similar to what we have done with PortlandTech. We decided to count all the cities covered and set them aside for some motivation while counting those not covered/for next itertation and putting that number in as well. The same way we did with PortlandTech. We have 1278 pages related to LASIK in the Category:LASIK I counted that out of the top 50 U.S. cities that was the set target, 46 have been covered so far. I want to put that in somewhere and want to also check out those that have not been covered (around 26 are the red links that I found on the LASIK portal and from the previous itertation incomplete works) So, please let me know how to further this? What do we do from now? Salihawaqar


Hi!Chris! Please change its status if seems complete A Today! I have changed it myself after viewing the notes!:) A

Caricature Artists

Hey Chris, it seems that most of those caricatures are from - am I wrong? Best, MarkDilley

About LASIK DoneDone


  • Hope you are fine!
  • I was wondering about marking DoneDone criteria... regarding LASIK...? as Mehru is not around for some time, so I am marking the (needs work) pages as (needs review) after doing amendments. R u

going to mark them donedone...?Asma

new page from an IP - not sure if it fits somewhere TedErnst (talk) 11:51, 4 December 2007 (PST)


Hi!Chris! Please view Agenda: Content Team meeting, Dec 11 as I have added some of my questions there! Have a great day! Asma

Another company for PortlandTech

Hey Chris. I bought a friend's album from today and was surprised to learn they are located in Portland, OR. I'm unfamiliar with the happenings at PortlandTech, but they seem like a good fit. --VinhNguyen

Suggestions required?

Hi! Chris!

Glad you pointed out what was missing? Please, review for once more the
Hope you had a great we ekend?

Asma Is it Portland Based Company


Hey Chris,

Today the team is working towards getting all the pages in LASIK Done Done.That will be done by tomorrow morning [yay!!]And we will have two whole days to review all the articles in PortlandTech following the set guidelines, and do more if time allows.


Category "Lawyer" changed to "Attorney"

Hi Chris. I noticed your change in my page of adding the Category "Attorney" and deleting "Lawyer". I understand adding Attorney (especially in light of changes to PortlandTech), but don't understand deleting Lawyer. Could you expalin this in a few words? (It's not a problem -- I just want a better understanding.) -- Joe Cohen | Reply 14:16, 12 December 2007 (PST)