Douglas Boynton Quine - home page
has been compiled from family, friends, and published sources. This page is maintained by Douglas Boynton Quine; please E-Mail recommended additions, or corrections to the webmaster:
Books and Essays on W. V. Quine (some Roger Gibson Comments)
1969: WORDS AND OBJECTIONS: Essays on the Work of W. V. Quine (D. Reidel), eds. D. Davidson and J. Hintikka. Published to commemorate Quine's 60th birthday, this volume contains essays by prominent philosophers and Quine's responses. Book details, price, and availability from Amazon.com
1977: WILLARD VAN ORMAN QUINE (Twayne), A. Orenstein. A rather oblique survey and exposition of Quine's major doctrines. Book details, price, and availability from Amazon.com
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