
Jordan Planet | Your daily dose of Jordanian wisdom


Excerpted from the website:

About Jordan Planet
 !About __Jordan Planet__ started in August 2004, by [Isam Bayazidi|], as a small portal attempting to link different Jordanians who share the passion of writing blogs. By doing so, __Jordan Planet__ helped form a small community of Jordanians blog writers and readers, and encouraged more people to start creating blogs. Today __Jordan Planet__ is growing slowly, and firmly. And with the help of dedicated Jordanian writers, with quality blogs, Jordan Planet and its writers blogs are gaining popularity and exposure. The effort put in Jordan Planet aims to present the small country of __Jordan__ through the lives and thoughts of its bloggers. !Staff and Adminstration Although Jordan Planet was started by one person, it was a due to the efforts of many volunteers that Jordan Planet is a success it is today. And today, a team of those volunteers acts a staff for Jordan Planet. This team includes: * [Isam|] * [Lina|] * [Mariam|] * [Natasha|] * [Roba|] !More About Jordan Planet *[Spread the Word|] *[About Jordan|] *[What is Blogging|]
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PO Box : 140632
Amman, 11814 JORDAN


Isam Bayazidi
+962 77749582

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