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Alternative Medicine, Herbal Remedy, Holistic Health


After successfully defeating several health afflictions of her own, and later helping a family member to beat late stage colon cancer in, site owner Nina Komniey decided take things a bit further, and pursue a holistic practitioner certificate to learn more.

After 10 years of personal study and 1 full year of study from a respected alternative medicine institution... one ugly, yet beautiful truth became clear.. . we have the power to heal from nearly any ailment . The ugly part is that this information is usually hard to find because the special interests (we call Big Pharma) do NOT want you to have this knowledge.

This is a very emotional issue for us. So we decided to help fight the good fight and create this site. Everyone starts their journey somewhere. If you are new to homeopathic medicine, this page will save you a LOT of time. We've gathered some of the most comprehensive and highest quality holistic products from many of the industry's most recognized and respected manufacturers.

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Allergy information Anti Depressant information Antibiotics information Anxiety information Arthritis (Rheumatics) information Asthma information Birth Control information Blood Pressure information Cardiovascular information Cholesterol information Contraceptive information Dermatitis information Diabetes information Diuretics information Gastroenterology information Influenza information Man's Health information Menopause information Migraine information Pain Relief information Sleep & Insomnia information The personal medical consultation of our team of specially trained healthcare professionals is FREE of CHARGE. Our affiliated pharmacies are fully licensed in the EU and in strict compliance with FDA regulations for shipping medication for personal use. Solely European Union approved products are provided to you. here. ABC PILL full Pharmacy catalog

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