- Ron Paul 2008

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Who is Ron Paul?

Good Question. He is a congressman from the Lone Star State running for President in 2008. He seems to have a big Internet following. Many people say that he won the debate on MSNBC. They also point out that Ron Paul may be the only candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton in the general election, but I don't know if Americans are willing to put another Republican from Texas into the White House. Yes, he is a Republican, but he voted against the Iraq War. That separates him from all the other Republican candidates.

About Ron Paul

Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation’s capital. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the "one exception to the Gang of 535" on Capitol Hill.


The Guy with two First Names (Ron Paul)

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