Revision as of 22:33, 30 November 2010 by KristinaWeis (talk | contribs) (making Troy's link work)

Maps, business information and directions at

GoogleMapsLogo.gif is a map service from Google that fuses several different mapping technologies with other Google services to create a robust interactive online map. More than a traditional map, or even the first generation of online map resources, provides business information, driving directions and other features to be one of the premier mapping site on the web.

Features of

  • Draggable maps, scrolling and keystroke/mouse zooming load dynamically, allowing for rapid scrolling from anywhere in the map. Older map programs required redrawing every time you wanted to zoom in or out of the map, or if you wanted to move the map over. With, simply "drag" the map using the left-mouse button to scroll through the maps (users can also use the up, down, left and right arrow keys on their keyboard). Zooming in and out is accomplished using the scroll-wheel of the mouse, or by the "+" and "-" keys (double clicking the mouse on a specific area will also zoom in to that portion of the map).

  • Satellite imagery gives users the option of a "bird's eye view" of their maps
    Satellite imagery and hybrid views lets you look at maps with standard drawings of roads and topography, or see a "bird's eye view" of your locations using satellite imagery to provide pictures of your location as viewed from above. A useful hybrid mode at shows the images with major roads and landmarks superimposed over them.

  • Detailed directions provides detailed directions from any starting location to any destination. Features include setting of a default location such as your home or work to allow for quick directions to and from places you're most likely already at. also provides a useful feature to plot map directions avoiding major highways and freeways.

  • A sample of the integrated business search
    Integrated business search with reviews

Accesses and cross-references the map data for a particular location or city with Google's search engine to provide a set of businesses in the area based on your search criteria. Looking for free Wifi spots in Portland, OR, simply enter Portland, OR and "Free wifi" and a list pops up next to the map. Clicking on a specific business will show you exactly on the map where it is as well as give a list of options including the website, user reviews and directions to and from the site.

  • Custom map printing options

Users can also customize the printouts of driving directions from Supported options include a "show original map view" to display a full-size map on the first page of the printout, the ability to turn on mini-maps of individual steps, and adding of personal notes to the top of the page. Additionally, each print display (using the "Print" link on the map) retains the dynamic nature of the map, allowing users to pan, scroll or zoom in to the map as they wish. At present, printing of satellite imagery and hybrid maps isn't supported by

  • Send to phone option

Allows users to send text message of phone numbers, addresses and directions found on to their phone, via a Firefox web browser extension.

  • Latitude and Longitude coordinates allows for entry of latitude and longitude coordinates for map look-up in it's search window. At present time, this feature is limited.

  • Interconnectivity with Google Earth now allows for KLM or KMZ files from the stand-alone geographic application Google Earth, allowing data from Google Earth (such as multiple points of interest, lines and marked regions) to be viewed on This technology requires the KLM file to be hosted on a website. Maps using such data can be shared with others using the "link to this page" link on the top-right corner of the page to create a URL to send to others or link off your website.

  • StreetView

For certain locations, you can view the street 360 degrees in what Google calls Street view. This allows you to view the location as if you were standing there in person. You can zoom in/out, move and rotate, and navigate the area from within Street view. For more information on this feature see this link.

Take the Google Maps Tour information gets it's information from a variety of sources. Map data is gathered largely from NAVTEQ and TeleAtlas. Satellite information is taken mostly from DigitalGlobe and MDA Federal. Business directory information and reviews comes from Google's own search engine as well as from local business owners, business data providers such as Infogroup, publicly available yellow page directories, and such companies as CitySearch and API

One unique function of Google Maps is it's freely available API code, allowing users to embed data onto their websites, blogs and other pages. This technology is widely used by sites around the world. In fact, the maps shown on AboutUs are an implementation of this technology. Currently, API is a free service that doesn't include advertising, although the terms of use from Google states that they reserve the right to use the API to display advertising in the future.

Customizing and learning about

Getting started and help

Various Tweaks and Tips on the Internet

Books on tweaking Google Maps

Contact for

Use the Google Maps contact page for questions, concerns or correspondence.
phone: (650) 253-0000
fax: (650) 253-0001
abdd12b5fb6b094ad1d562cd313c3290.png: [}}} GetSatisfaction] One of many Google products and services

Google has developed -- and acquired -- a wide range of fun and useful things for people to use on the Internet, including:

  • -- Free web-based email
  • Google Search -- Use keywords to search for web pages, web sites and documents
  • Image Search -- Use keywords to search for images
  • Video Search -- Use keywords to search for videos on the web
  • YouTube -- A site for watching and sharing video clips, for free; acquired by Google in 2006
  • -- If it has an address, you can locate it on Google Maps, zoom in closer, find directions to and from, and see street photos of your searched location.
  • -- A portal to news, weather, a calendar and more, can be personalized to anyone's taste
  • Google Translate -- Translate text, web pages and documents between more than 40 languages
  • Picasa -- Upload photos to web albums, editthem, share them.
  • Blogger -- Create a blog with easy-to-use software.
  • Google Chrome -- A web browser developed by Google.
  • Google Earth -- Allows people to view any place on earth in three dimensions, using satellite images and modeling technology.
  • Nexus One -- A smart phone released in January 2010 that competes with Apple's iPhone.
  • SketchUp -- Software for creating 3D sketches on your computer.
  • AdSense -- Google's advertising platform. AdSense places ads alongside search results and beside Gmail. The ads match what people are searching for in Google's search engine or what they're writing about or viewing in Gmail.

Related Domains

External Links for


Brian Whelan's Comments on

  • Brian Whelan (delighted) : This is one of the best developements to ever take place on the internet. We will be putting our Irish house up soon. Here is a picture of our street in Dublin - Tue Mar 24 11:03:03 UTC 2009

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