
Revision as of 02:57, 13 June 2009 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (== Asking for Trailfire's public Green Light on == )

To the Trailfire support

Dear support team on Trailfire, please forward the following mail to your CEO and CTO.

Thank you

Dr. Fridemar Pache

Second Try to get your friendly Attention

Dear John O'Halloran, CEO

Dear Pat Ferrel, CTO

Thank you for offering the Webcommunity such a beautiful and useful SocialSoftware, that can be freely downloaded from []. I have been using it since years for collaborating in different communities and have made a lot of suggestions to even improve it.

You remember: .. more wikiness, maximize windows, human readable file paths of TrailMarks for easier Googling etc. ... I even applied for initiating a special interest group on community collaboration (at the time, where you offered this facility).

As I couldn't find the forums and blog anymore on your site, I fear that this wonderful resource is fading away.

Some days ago I made a real substantial suggestion via your feedback box, which for convenience I backed as an OpenLetter on AboutusOrg:WikiNomicsOnTrailfire and which cost me a lot of time. So I waited hour for hour to get a feedback from you.

As it appears that my mail didn't reach you, I try to get through by your friendly support team, whose email addresses I found at your site.

There is a great chance now (a kairos) to get a far wider community involved into Trailmarking, when opening your license to WikiNomics as suggested in AboutusOrg:WikiNomicsOnTrailfire

You might have a look at, to see how easy it can be to give green light as a CEO for advancing community synergies.

Best regards

Dr. Fridemar Pache

fridemar 16:50, 4 June 2009 (PDT)

Confirmation, that I got your green light via email

Dear John O'Halloran,

in the name of all those community members who already benefit or will benefit from your SocialSoftware, I thank you for your friendly email, in which you gave the long hoped for permission to use for my application, i.e. if I understood you right, for WikiNomicsOnTrailfire.

For convenience I added some screenshots to and repolished the style on WikiNomicsOnTrailfire. (You can audit all the history of this page)

Please, please leave a public answer here, confirmating the agreement, because I take your Software very serious and want to use and recommend it in all social communities, in which I am active.

Best wishes

Fridemar Pache fridemar 17:21, 10 June 2009 (PDT) PS.: I send to you a copy of this confirmation and the polished WikiNomicsOnTrailfire

Asking for Trailfire's public Green Light on

Dear John O'Halloran,

perhaps you are not yet quite convinced, that it is really a win-win situation for all involved parties.

So for (not only, but especially for) further demonstration I installed a G PaypalStorefront on G and on my ftp account (in the city Gunzenhausen, at [DrPc: WikiWayOfLife] and am going to ask MarkDilley to initiate the transfer of 100 USD, such that you can scrutinize, what it is all about.

Best wishes fridemar 19:57, 12 June 2009 (PDT)

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