
Revision as of 22:51, 5 May 2008 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (Moved === What do we have? === on top. Reason: It saves time, if one wants to see more videos. No need for heavy repeated Scrolling down)

today's mission (monday)

how to leave talk page (saad's idea and his initial script)

What do we have?


Could someone make sure that they are all on the appropriate help pages?

latest understanding

A great contribution someone could make to this page would be to understand this latest understanding section and delete information duplicated elsewhere on the page.

  • iMovie can be used to capture a "talkie" intro, or any piece of it where you'd like to see the person talking - it's easy to splice these clips in, or even use the audio from one and the video from the other. For the one today on How to use History I took a 3 second video of just the front page, with no sound, then took a 1 second piece of that and put it at the beginning and the end of the screencast, without disturbing the underlying audio. Cool, huh? It's a copy/paste using the advanced menu. I'll have to try it a few more times to really understand it.
  • iShowU presets - start with iMovie HD MPEG4 and modify from there for max quality and capture size 1280x920 (this is the same ratio as YouTube, but bigger to match our minimum size with our skin) - show capture guide when not recording; so you can then re-size your browser getting the tabs and status bar outside the area, but the scroll bar inside
  • Each screencast should have the following pages
    • The script page - the script can be really simple, just on paper and then notes typed into the wiki, with stage direction in italics or whatever - no need to build big infrastructure here
    • The screencast page itself, where the <youtube> appears and a <noinclude> part for see also and discussion
      • transclude this page wherever you need the video -
      • on high traffic pages like the welcome one, move the video itself to another page that's locked and transcluded back
    • A naming convention page for these different pages.
  • For short, single-topic ones without lots of page changes, one person can do these
  • For longer, overview type ones with lots of page changes, it's very useful to have one person talking and another driving the mouse
  • We can use iMovie to easily take out pauses such as page-load time: so feel free to do them live, without setting up tabs ahead of time. If you'd like to learn this, ask Ted and he'll walk you through it.
  • I'm sure there are plenty of other editing tricks, we can learn to increase production value, but right now, one theory says to go for coverage, make as many of these as possible to cover all the topics at this level of quality - of course they will naturally improve as we get better, just from practice - then when we're ready, we can learn more iMovie or whatever needs to be re-done at a higher level of quality


  • What if we screenshot the tabs we're using, then annotate them (circles and arrows and such), then actually screencast in preview?
  • Or, what if we use Keynote instead of Preview, so we can have a more natural transition of the page loading? And doesn't keynote allow a voiceover anyway? Maybe we don't need iShowU at all?


  • In Safari, to move between tabs, it's command, shift, left/right arrow
  • Make sure the sound is coming through the headset; the driver should not be able to hear the countdown.
  • writing the script on paper can make the whole process faster than attempting to capture the script in the wiki - the advantage to doing the script in the wiki is that it's easier for others to revise and re-make the screencast
  • make the font size as big as possible in the browser
  • make the mouse pointer as big as possible with universal access tools

Flash sample from Vartan

Email Alerts screencast

some notes

'questions and answers and learnings

  • - program called iShowU - $20
  • no editing - it's just one take - the first one took 15 takes, re-doing until feels like it's more or less right
  • 45 min, start to finish, Julia and Mark, wrote script over lunch
  • minute long, make 30 seconds long?
  • we can post these on facebook or other places
  • topic of the first one? "Welcome to AboutUs"
  • let's publish the script with each one so anyone else can then modify the script, record their own version, and the community can decide which is the "official" version of any of these at any one time, but we could have a gallery of each topic videos - need to figure out how to organize this
  • need to be not-logged in to AboutUs and also google
  • record screen or window - you can set it
  • you can set the start and stop hotkeys
  • In the editing process if the thing that the mouse is point to could be highlighted somehow... red circle around it, kind of pulled off the screen and made bigger (hard to explain what I mean)... that would help. Like for the "ContactUs" link the "Useful Links" box could be closed, then opened and circle the link to "contact us." I think right before hitting the edit tab in this to highlight the many edit tabs would help people see them.
  • All in all, I think it is awesome. The capabilities of a screen cast thing-y and audio go beyond what something like WikiAnatomy can offer for a beginner overview, walk you through it sort of thing... yay!

previous notes

Try to set up a vendor share, like Brandon did with by using

Break these ideas down, for a screencast action:

Move Rename move page Move
LostPassword brilliant


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