User talk:MarkDilley

Revision as of 22:11, 22 June 2012 by MarkDilley (talk | contribs)
MarkDilley | .com | .org | .net | .photo | .tv | .us | .mp | .info | .wiki | .bliki | .notes | .talk | .category

Text at p2pfoundation wiki

Hey Mark, I'm the guy who wrote that opensource/free culture text. Sorry, I saw your comment only now. Obviously, you are free to copy my whole text as it is also CC-by-sa licensed. Or do you me to help you port it to this site? Where do you think would it fit in best? Mauro Bieg 01:53, 9 July 2010 (PDT)

concerning WikiBusTouring

Hi Mark, What do you think: would it be possible (and also reasonable) to move the route coordination from MeatBall to (maybe) WikiIndex? I think there will be better conditions (tagging, categorizing). I would be happy if we could re-animate the TourBus idea.

Best --Peu 9:30, 17 November 2010 CET

comment by Greg Varnum

See now I'm starting to bump into you on all the Wikis!!  :)
