WellnessLightKids.com is an advanced air cleaning light bulb designed for children.


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WellnessLight KIDS is the First Air Purifying Light Bulb Designed with Children in Mind. Nanostar Green Technologies, Inc. (NSG), has introduced it's newest product - WellnessLight KIDS to the global market - a compact fluorescent light bulb that actually removes VOCs, eliminates odors and cleans the air of harmful air pollutants.

According to Alison Lee, VP of Product Development for WellnessLight, a special coating called Nanostar Green Shield TiO2 - is what enables the WellnessLight KIDS bulb to break down harmful pollutants in the air. "After many years we developed a special process which creates a highly effective application of Titanium Dioxide on the surface of the glass. When the coated surface is excited by the UV light a powerful yet safe, photocatalytic reaction occurs. This creates very strong natural oxidizers that completely break down the airborne contaminate."

WellnessLight KIDS has had extensive testing by US AIHA laboratories confirming it's efficacy. AIHA laboratories are some the highest qualified and well known research and testing facilities in the world. Testing against various harmful airborne contaminants showed up to a 99.98% reduction once exposed to the advanced air cleaning CFL. "We are very proud of what we have been able to accomplish" states Robert Chadwick, Director of Global Development for Nanostar Green Technologies, Inc. "Indoor air pollution is one of the most under estimated and overlooked health concerns in the world. Everyone is concerned about outdoor air pollution, however, EPA studies have shown that indoor air pollution is often three to five times higher than outdoor air pollution." He goes on to state "In fact, the World Health Organization claims that each year 1.5 million people die worldwide directly due to indoor air pollution".

Nanostar Green Technologies, Inc. has signed several exclusive agreements with some well known distributors around the globe. Chetruti Thalapin, President of a health products distribution company in Bangkok, Thailand states "Our interest in getting involved with this product just makes sense. First, after using and testing the product ourselves, we know it's claims are verified and believe there is a market for the technology. Second, the opportunity to improve the life for millions of Thai families is what my father built this company on." Other exclusives have been signed in several countries around the world. "We are always looking for global markets and distributors that want to promote our products," states Robert Chadwick.

Nanostar Green Technologies, Inc. will be launching several other WellnessLight products by the end of 2009. Each product will be specific to benefit it's own market. Currently all WellnessLight products not only have the air purifying component, they also use a high quality phosphorus which simulates natural sunlight and many of it's benefits. This type of light is commonly known as full spectrum and is used worldwide to combat SAD (season affect disorder) or depression. In addition, each advanced air purifying CFL uses less energy than an incandescent and last up to 8 years.

The MSRP for a two pack of WellnessLight KIDS is $39.95 USD. It can be found on hundreds of websites promoting healthy products, amazon.com or wellnesslighkids.com. Special WellnessLight KIDS products can also be purchased through it's school fund raiser program - promoting a healthy alternative for schools, while contributing a large portion of the discounted price to the organization.

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