
Copyrighted material, or illegal content, like, for example, child porn is what we don't want to have here on AboutUs. IllegalContent, copyrighted material are some of things that might be dangerous for AboutUs and might even shut us down.

Why it's Important

It's important because we don't want to get shut down. In that case all of us will be losing an exciting platform to express ourselves and let others know what we want them to know.

  • It's important for the community as a whole because this unnecessary and avoidable risk might put this whole project into difficulty because of the legal repercussions.
  • The whole community as a result will lose a wonderful resource where they can find material they need, and use it anywhere they want, besides participating in the discussion and expressing their view.

How do I do it?

  • Try using material for the pages you build that under the permission of their creators is freely reproduceable and make sure that you fulfill all their conditions, for example, providing a link back to their page.
  • Whenever you come across a page that contains illegal material, delete it or inform somebody else using the IRC channel, or just ContactUs about the problem.
  • Whenever you come across a page that contains illegal content, hit the edit button and just get rid of it
  • While creating a new page or editing an existing one, try using resources that are
    • freely usable
    • freely distributable
    • or it's owner has granted permission to reproduce the material

See also:

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