Businesss referral and consumer affairs information services.

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The Troubleshooter Network was created to disseminate all of the valuable information gathered by Troubleshooter Tom Martino and his staff. While Tom’s nationally syndicated radio show is at the heart of this effort, TN’s reach is not limited to the radio airwaves. The network also provides – a comprehensive website featuring a wealth of consumer information plus an exclusive Referral List. Another vital service is the Troubleshooter HelpCenter where friendly consumer counselors provide all of the same information and referrals by telephone. The Troubleshooter HelpCenter is the place to get quick answers to consumer questions or direct help in solving consumer problems.

The same toll-free number is used to access both the Troubleshooter Radio Show and the Troubleshooter HelpCenter (1.866.966.HELP). When Tom’s producer is not taking calls for a live broadcast, the phones are answered by HelpCenter counselors. When counselors aren’t available, voice mail is used and all calls are returned. The Troubleshooter Network also accepts email. If email is sent during a live broadcast, it is forwarded directly to the studio for possible inclusion in the show.

One of the most important aspects of the Troubleshooter Network is its exclusive Referral List. It is a place to find reputable merchants, contractors and service providers. But make no mistake, this Referral List is unlike any referral list in existence. Its track record stands alone when it comes to consumer trust and loyalty. Businesses cannot simply buy a membership. They must first qualify to be members by showing a track record of excellent customer service. In addition, they must demonstrate a willingness to continue meeting high business standards by agreeing to a strict code of ethics and an arbitration arrangement for settling disputes.





Denver Colorado
United States 80237


Troubleshooter Network
Denver Colorado
United States 80237

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