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St. Petersburg Russia Days trips, Tours, Products, Books, Fishing, Spas Hosting


Education in Russia - College degree - Study Abroad in Russia

Study abroad in Russia is a good idea for many reasons. First of all the education in Russia has a history of very fine academia. Secondly, even after chaos of early 90

in Russia College degree is well accepted throughout the world. Thirdly the cost of tuition is between 1500$ - 8000$ per year while a quality of education is excellent. In some areas such as science, mathematics, medicine, art, ballet and engineering the quality is superb.

It is estimated that nearly 30% of the MS Windows were developed by Soviet and Russian trained engineers. After receiving education at the Russian University it easy to continue education elsewhere or find a job. Recently many universities modified their programs after international BA – 4 year and MA two-year formats. Foreign students were a part of the alumni at many schools for many years. The admission for foreign students is relatively easy as long as one provides a certificate of education completed, health status certificate and takes Russian language proficiency test. If one does not speak Russian it is easy to be admitted into a preparatory class.

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