UWEB:Status/John Stanton

Revision as of 22:24, 5 July 2007 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (You can advance the coherence of the global wiki community.)

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NotYet Not enthused about the current option Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit

Hi John, you are a very engaged and influential man in the wiki world, with creating productivity tools and you say: "Glad to help in any way I can, ...". Yes you can. You can advance the coherence of the global wiki community. I feel with you, that you are not enthused about the current option of the Edit Button. I feel so too, because the design looks like a capsula against headache. Nevertheless, I voted for it like similar feeling peers did it, because I rated the community aspect higher than my aesthetic feelings. The first logo of Coca Cola (TM) was in my view a very miserable one, but time polished it out. As technology-oriented mind, you know the approximation formula of Newton. Start with some rough initial value and see how it converges to a better and better one. Even sometimes WorseIsBetter. To authenticate this message, I leave a copy on the SocialCommonWealth Blog, accessible via my following DomainBasedRealName -- fridemar.com PS.: I backlink from my blog to your page.

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