Revision as of 06:33, 27 May 2009 by Sam Daams (talk | contribs) (External Links)


Travellerspoint Travel Community & Guide


Travellerspoint Goal

"The goal of Travellerspoint is to create an international meeting point for travellers worldwide, whether they are planning their travels, currently travelling or have returned from their travels and want to stay in touch with (or find) those travel friends they met while travelling in the past."

Travellerspoint Objective

"Travellerspoint's objective is to enrich the travelling experience by offering numerous services, content and products that have significant perceived and added value for travellers worldwide. To travel means to meet other people, experience their cultures and to make, but also to keep good friends. By bringing more people together - albeit before, during or after travelling - Travellerspoint will create more understanding for different cultures and countries and ultimately a better world for everyone to travel in."

"A great place to build your own online trip diary, Travellers Point will also help you find those old travelling pals you lost track of so long ago."

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Tupela Ltd. AS

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