Revision as of 18:40, 2 March 2009 by Gitlee (talk | contribs) (Related Domains)

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)


IMDb or Internet movie database is the world’s best, biggest, and most popular movie site.


It has news related to every aspect of films and entertainment. The home page has a wide variety of news related to the world of film and movie stars. The poll questions range from predicting who will win the Oscar for best actor to bizarre questions like are you still watching Lost. There is also a segment for movie and TV news that includes celebrity news, studio briefings etc. A section is dedicated to the movie star born on that day. Apart from this there are other nitty gritty like released DVDs and upcoming DVDs, trivial news, movie /TV quote of the day, top box office hits, new openings scheduled for that week, new movies coming up, photo gallery of the week, IMDb hit list that has the latest gossip and news.

Then it has the ‘Now playing section’ where they have all the information, ratings and reviews about the new releases. It includes showtime, trailers, photographs, message board, user comments and critic comments.

Next is the IMDb news section. They have the juiciest and latest celebrity news to keep you up-to-date about the people in front of the camera along with daily studio briefing to provide you a scoop about their day-to-day life.

In the ‘My Movies section’ you can register yourself and become a member. As a member you can discuss your favorite film, celebrity or TV show, rate movies, vote in the poll, and use the personalized showtimes to find out which movie is playing where.

One section of the website is dedicated to TV shows and provides news about the good stuff you can tune into in. There is also rating of the various shows as well as an episode guide. Other features include a TV hit list that tells you about the popular shows, top TV rankings, and top IMDb user rated TV.

Message Boards

The message board is exclusively for members where they can share their views and blog about everything related to film and entertainment ranging from topics like Angelina Joie’s latest flick to Brad Pitt’s receding hairline and almost everything else under the sun. There are a variety of topics to start a discussion. The trivia topics are about goofs, best and worst, games and I need to know stuff, while the Award season boasts of topics like Oscar buzz Critics choice etc. Film talk has many topics for discussion like film general, previews and reviews, classic films, video, Harry Potter, cult films, star wars, lord of the rings etc. TV talk has topics like TV general, current show, classic TV, cult show, trekers only and others.

You can also buy tickets online by submitting some basic information like the name of movie and your zip code. Last but not the least there are a wide variety of games on offer such as BrainAge, Gears of war, random quote etc.




P.O. Box 81226
Seattle WA 98108 US


Internet Movie Database, Inc.

According to a domain trace,'s address and contact info is as follows:

Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Hostmaster, IMDb

Internet Movie Database, Inc.
NV Services, P.O. Box 8102
Reno, NV 89507
+1.775-833-4498 fax: +1.775-833-4491

Additional Information

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External Links

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