
Visit Kakadu : Information, Tours, Accommodation in Kakadu : Come Look And Feel Our Culture


One very important reason is the Aboriginal ownership of the Park. Not only do the original indigenous inhabitants of the region continue to live on their traditional lands but they are also a guiding force in its management. They achieve this by jointly managing Kakadu with the Commonwealth Government’s Parks Australia. More Information >>

At 20,000 square kilometres Kakadu is one of the world’s great National parks. Its grand size coupled with its World Heritage status make it a ‘must see’ on any travellers schedule. So large is Kakadu that its weather pattern varies from the coast in the north to the sandstone valleys of the south. No less than six major landforms are found within the park’s borders. Overlying this spectacular landscape with its wealth of exotic plants and animals is an ancient and dynamic human culture.

underlying the sandstone plateau and gorges is 1.6 billion years old - too old to contain fossils. In Kakadu, wildlife comes with bewildering variety....

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Kakadu Tourism
Casuarina NT
AU 0811

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