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B. Smith's Comments on

  • B. Smith (frustrated) : I wanted to avoid a long comment string on how much the radio waves in the greater D.C. area will be worse off without the Smooth Jazz format and DJ's of 1059, but it is so disappointing that it is gone that I must comment in full. Agreed...there are already sufficient oldies stations...and now NO Smooth Jazz format ones. There must be many 1,000's of "Loyal Listeners" who are office workers and auto drivers, who enjoyed the easy pace and smooth music...and even smoother DJ's. I can't believe the format wasn't making money, but I am sure an accountant somewhere can prove otherwise. We lost the first pleasant radio station in the D.C. area about 20 years ago when WJFK changed formats from “New Age” music...and it wasn't soon enough that at least part of the void was filled SmoothJazz1059. Now, 14 years later and it's gone too. It's going to be difficult to listen to any radio now that Smooth Jazz is no longer around. Maybe I am getting old, but I'd guess there are a lot of 20-somethings up to 50-somethings and beyond who liked the format, and had the income to support their advertisers. But maybe it isn't about that, or at least shouldn't be about that. We have libraries to provide essentially free books, maybe it’s time to have free radio stations (subsidized by corporate sponsors, institutions of higher learning, governments, etc.) to provide good music, free of the worry of selling commercial time. Oh well, RIP SmoothJazz1059, you will be sorely missed. 14:11, 4 March 2008 (PST)