
Ulli Diemer


  • My Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Work Phone: 416-964-7799
  • My E-mail address is available (in spam-resistant form) on the Sources website as well as on my personal website; if you want it, you can find it with your favourite search engine!

About me

My day job is with Sources, a service that:

  • Helps journalists to find experts and spokespeople to interview for their stories or to appear as guests on their shows;
  • Helps editors, producers, and journalists come up with story ideas;
  • Helps organizations, companies, and institutions get media coverage for their issues and their expertise.

Sources is a directory produced in print since 1977 and online since 1993. It lists experts and spokespersons on thousands of topics, and is used primarily by journalists, as well as being available to anybody on the Web.

Sources also publishes Media Names & Numbers, a comprehensive directory of Canadian media, as well as Parliamentary Names & Numbers, a Canadian government directory.

My background is in journalism. I started writing for the campus newspaper while studying history, and then went on to journalism jobs after graduating, including a stint as editor of a community newspaper.

I've also been involved in a project called Connexions (official name: Connexions Information Sharing Services) for a number of years. Connexions started out in print and then morphed into an Internet-based project. It features an online library/archive of thousands of articles and bibliographic references dealing with a broad range of social and environmental issues, including human rights, civil liberties, peace, community building and alternatives. Connexions attracts a great collection of volunteers and interns. We've had interns recently from Japan, Belgium, Turkey, Taiwan, and Switzerland. We have a map in the office with pins showing where people have come from; the map has pins in countries ranging from Sri Lanka to Haiti, Zimbabwe to Guyana, Nepal to Cuba, China to Brazil.

I've also got a personal website called Radical Digressions with my blog, articles I've written, and various other odds and end.

Some websites I like

The Guardian - British newspaper with excellent coverage of international events.

CounterPunch - Progressive newsletter with good analysis on pretty much everything except global warming.

Improbable Research - Fun with research.

9/11 Myths - Takes on the conspiracy theories about September 11 and examines them critically.

Bat Conservation International - A site devoted to bats.

Toronto Public Space Committee - Dedicated to protecting our common spaces and protecting them from political erosion, commercial influence, and privatisation.

Facility of the Month - Featuring photos site "dedicated to highlighting examples of how innovative design and outstanding engineering offer safety, utility, and comfort to cyclists." Quite funny.