User:Alan Gilchrist

Alan Gilchrist

Alan Gilchrist

(The above link is a free relaxation session for you to listen to)

ALAN GILCHRIST Northern Ireland's Top Hypnotherapist has been in practice at the Belfast Hypnotherapy Centre for over 24 years and is the longest practising and most experienced Hypnotherapist in Northern Irelandand is also now practising in Spain. During his time in practice Alan has helped well over 50,000 people in the UK and Spain overcome their problems with the use of his "Fast Track Hypnosis System"( a highly successful and unique technique that Alan developed over the years ) As Northern Ireland's most successful Hypnotherapist, Alan has been put to the test on numerous occasions by regional television and the local press for various topics including Stop Smoking, Weight Control and Overcome the Fear of Flying using his Fast Track Hypnosis techniques The computerised audio-visual component system very rapidly creates the state of deep relaxation used in Hypnotherapy, produced traditionally by much slower techniques such as meditation, yoga, visualisation, etc. Through synchronised light and sound patterns scientifically programmed, the Mindseye Courier helps with behaviour modification involving, weight loss, smoking, relaxation, phobias, stress, blushing, etc. Once again the outcome of this television programme was very successful. As a further aid to the already high success rate to the Stop Smoking and Weight Control sessions Alan then introduced into the programme (in addition to the Mindseye Courier) - another new American concept called ; Laser Light Therapy The theory behind Laser Light therapy is based on the acupuncture principle, (at this point it should be stressed that no needles are involved and the procedure is completely painless). In simple terms, a small beam of light is placed on the acupuncture points on the client's outer ear, this enhances the production of the body's own natural endorphins (an anti-stress chemical) which then enhances the client's own determination to quit smoking or lose weight with little or no withdrawal symptoms. Alan now uses these special audio and visual techniques as standard practice ( naming it Fast Track Hypnosis) unlike any other hypnotherapist in the U.K or Spain.This is to ensure that the client receives the best possible treatment available. Alan maintains practices in Belfast, Ballymena, Coleraine, Enniskillen, Omagh, Newry and Armagh and also holds special one day clinics throughout Northern Ireland and Spain. In January 2007 Alan became an International Hypnotherapist by starting four very successful Clinics on the Costa Blanca in Spain (in addition to maintaining his clinics in Northern Ireland). All Alan's Fast Track Hypnosis sessions are tailored precisely to help individuals stop smoking, lose weight, relieve stress, anxiety or insomnia, and to conquer phobias such as blushing, and much more. Alan has worked with over 50,000 people including, salespeople, athletes, entertainers, TV. and radio personalities, members of the medical profession, psychologists and other Hypnotherapists, plus world champions to improve their concentration, self-confidence and performance. For Furter Information Contact 02890 333303 (Uk) 0034 659229408 (Spain)

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