
The Paris Apartment


Thank you for visiting the site! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you.

To tell you something about myself and how I got started, I love the past and am fascinated with way our ancestors lived; their colorful lives, the objects they used and the minute detail that went into absolutely everything. From early on attics and markets were ich rsources for buried treasure. It was in forgotten embroidered linens and broken feather fans of long gone flappers I discovered a love of all things French, and for the spirits of the women who inspired such whimsy and beauty.

I opened The Paris Apartment 1993 to showcase and restore glamorous old pieces to their original brilliance. I wanted to carry furniture and accessories that were fun to be around, and were playfully decadent, like chaise lounges, satin chairs and vanities. I wrote 'The Paris Apartment' in 1997 to show others where I shopped and how to refinish pieces themselves The store was closed that same year and I just re-opened in November '05. During those years I started a furniture and textile line and today I produce exact replicas of what were once one of a kind pieces, and am constantly expanding the line and looking for beautiful pieces for you!




Beverly NJ
United States 08010

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