
Holistic Therapy - Medical Intuitive


I live on a farmlet in a rural area outside the village of Hawarden in the province of Canterbury, New Zealand. I have owned, bred and competed with horses since I was fourteen. At present I own horses, cattle, poultry and ducks as well as, of course, those feline creatures. I use Biodynamic principles on the property and have a strong interest in using Homeopathics to restore contaminated land. For many years only homeopathic remedies have been used on my stock for conditions that have arisen. This includes internal parasite control, blood poisoning, conception, pregnancy and labour, immunisation for tuberculosis and any other diseases that appear.

I have worked mainly by Phone and Fax for some time but now have decided to branch out to the Internet as a further extension of my work. Up until now, I have mainly worked on Domestic and Farm Animals but would very much like to work with Exotic Species.

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