
The Cosmic Gift


About 'The Cosmic Gift'

The Cosmic Gift's original incarnation started around 1998. At that time I did not have a domain for the website and it went through several generic titles as it was hosted on free servers. I created it as a platform to tell the story about my rescue from the hopelessness that was my life. God pulled me from that path of death and despair and set me on the straight and narrow path, the pathway into His Kingdom.

Over the years I have added more articles that I have written, topical pages for inspiration and other bits of information that I believe fit in with the design of the site.

Eventually I decided on the name "The Cosmic Gift". I choose this name because the site is about God and how good He is. His grace measures further than the cosmos. He blesses us with gifts in abundance. And eventually, as children and heirs, He may even give to us the cosmos, His kingdom.

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