

Changing Text Color

There are six color variants to change the color of text (primary colors + gray and black.)

  • {{RedText}} -- makes the text red
  • {{BlueText}} -- makes the text blue
  • {{GreenText}} -- makes the text green
  • {{YellowText}} -- makes the text yellow
  • {{GrayText}} -- makes the text gray
  • {{BlackText}} -- makes the text black (when the text is already another color, like blue.)

Basic Usage

Just add a "|" after the template call and the text you want afterwards. This can be done inside of a sentence.


Here's an example showing how to make {{BlueText|the text blue}}
inside of a sentence.


Here's an example showing how to make the text blue inside of a sentence.

Usage inside of a template

There templates work inside of other template, and even work to change the color inside of templates (like {{BasicBoxGray}}) where the headers default to white.


| header = {{BlackText|Black Header}}
| body = Text for the box here
| width = 230 px


Black Header

Text for the box here