TeenDrugAbuse.us provides awareness and help to teens abusing drugs


Teen Drug Abuse - Troubled Teens are Resorting to Drugs.


Teen Drug Abuse-Providing help for parents who have a troubled teen in who has been struggling with teen drug abuse and or alcohol abuse.
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3679 Crimson Fairway
Washington UT 84780 US

Additional Information

In the Teen Drug Abuse website, we attempt to educate people about why teens begin using, what they are using, and how those drugs are affecting teens physically, socially, and mentally.
This site is full of helpful information about substance abuse. Be sure to visit the "Teen Drug Abuse Articles" section. This section has several articles about the effects of teen drug abuse and about some specific drugs that teens are abusing today. If you have a troubled teen son or daughter that has been abusing drugs or alcohol, please get help immediately.


Teen Drug Abuse Hotline.

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