
Welcome to Sunshine Coast ESL in Powell River - Learn English Faster and Better in Canada!


Sunshine Coast ESL is a school in a home. It has a wonderful, positive atmosphere, perfect for learning English quickly and easily. Here, professional combines with comfortable, and you always feel like you are among friends. We believe the positive atmosphere of the school is essential to help you learn better.

When you feel comfortable and relaxed, you are more open to learning. Every aspect of our school adheres to this theory. We encourage you to share your talents and use them to learn English better. Do you love music? Musical instruments are available for your use - learn the language that will help you to communicate with other musicians in English. Maybe you prefer sports? We can help you to get involved with local volleyball games or other team sports in the community.

Sunshine Coast ESL is located just outside of the city of Powell River. It is right on the ocean, so that you can enjoy the best of Powell River's scenery, while you are at school!

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