
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


Excerpted from the website:

Interests and Hobbies: Algorithms, analysis, analytics, annual reports, architecture, artificial intelligence, audio, automation, autonomous agent, ballet, blog, brand management, calligraphy, cartography, cellular automata, charts, chess, code, color theory, communication, corporate identity design, data, design theory, dictionary, encryption, faq, forms, gadgets, go, graph theory, heuristic analysis, human-computer interface, heuristic evaluation, hypothesis, ice cream, icons, information design, interaction design, journals, languages, linux, manuals, maps, marketing, moleskine, motion design, music theory, nature, network theory, non-fiction, object-oriented programming, organic chemistry, patterns, photography, philosophy, piano, protocol, puzzles, research, scrabble, scripting, search engine, self-organization, shopping, signal, sound, strategy, symbols, symmetry, symphonic electronica, synergy, systems, thesaurus, typography, user experience, user interface, visualization, wiki, wit.
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