
New Hampshire Bed and Breakfast Lodging at Shaker Meetinghouse Bed and Breakfast New London NH


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About The Shakers

The Shakers, who flourished in the 19th century, were America's largest and most successful communal society. The members held all property in common where they lived, worked, and worshiped. They practiced celibacy, pacifisim, freedom from prejudice, and equality of race and gender as they sought to create a "Heaven on Earth". A society based upon spirituality, they devoted their "hands to work" and "hearts to god" for over 200 years.

Today, their way of life is preserved by just a handful of practicing members. The Shaker Legacy lives on not only in their unparalleled craftsmanship and many contributions to society, but above all, their quest for simplicity and perfection that created a reputation of honesty, humility and dedication to God and fellow man.




Shaker Meetinghouse Bed & Breakfast
New London NH
United States 03257

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