
San Diego Church Reviews & Guide


How do you pick a San Diego Church? This site reviews San Diego Churches to help you find a church. Reviews look at what the church believes, their view on Scripture and the community. If you have attended a church that is listed feel free to add your own comment. View our highly recommended San Diego Churches

How many of you have relocated to a new area and struggled to find a new church? It can be challenging to find a place to call home because often there is so little online that a church offers to really tell you their missiology, theology, worship and other aspects that are critical to a good church. It is in this spirit that San Diego Church Reviews & Guide is launching a new site for every city. The new website is called Church Reviews which will allow people to post comments, reviews and other observations about the churches they’ve attended.

Our passion is to support local churches that hold to the gospel with a firm hand and live a life of mission with the other hand. I believe it is rare to find a church that is concerned with proper doctrine as well as desires to be the ‘beautiful mess’ of the kingdom of God. Our goal is to use these discussions to help people find God-glorifying churches.

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