
Port Tobacco Players


Excerpted from the website:

It was in the days following the Second World War, when a weary America turned it's eyes toward rebuilding, that the residents of the small but history laden town of Port Tobacco, had only to look across their small town square at the burned rubble of their once proud Courthouse and its neighboring church to decide what had to be done. In the winter of 1947, in the drawing room of Stagg Hall, a plan was conceived to raise money to aid the Port Tobacco Restoration Society return their once proud town to glory. This group of artists from Port Tobacco and nearby La Plata set out to bring to the stage entertainment that would provide enough profit to continue their endeavor and provide for their cause. They spent the next twenty or so years performing in high school auditoriums, court rooms, village greens...wherever anyone wanted to see a play. Their efforts paid off and the court house was restored.
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