


If by now you are not aware that childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions and is still on the rise, then you’re just not paying attention. was founded to address the needs and concerns of overweight and obese children and their parents.

My Mission: To generate greater awareness and understanding of the socioeconomic impediments, in our society that fosters conditions leading to overweight and childhood obesity. This includes reporting on the harmful affects of fast foods, lack of physical exercise, and the impact of TV viewing and video gaming. To educate as many parents and teens, as I possibly can about the harmful, life-threatening affects of uncontrolled, unmanaged, weight gain in children, and expel the notion that being a “plus size” is never a bad thing.

My Short-term Goal: To reduce childhood weight gain by 50,000 pounds or more, over the next 12 months, work to improve the overall health and well being of overweight kids, and become an advocate for youngsters in the fight against childhood obesity.

My Long Term Goal: Become an affective voice in reversing the increasing rate of childhood obesity related, medical, physical, and mental, disorders being experienced by today’s kids. Simply stated: I want to help stop the childhood obesity epidemic.

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