

Excerpted from the website:

Welcome to! This is my personal learning site about blogging and all of the joys and wonders that I discover. I’ve just registered 5 domains using Google domain registration and I’m currently hosting them through a local ISP that I’ve been using for over 5 years. The total cost was the initial $50 for the domains and a $10/month upgrade to my ISP account. I spent a week or so looking at Blogger, Typepad, and Wordpress and I’ve decided to go with Wordpress. I have a strong background in HTML, Javascript and CSS, as well as server management, so I’m confident I can configure Wordpress properly. I will say that Blogger was the easiest to get going and it looked like Typepad would have given more flexibility than Blogger and similar management control, but ultimately I wanted as much control as possible, so I went with Wordpress. I also plan on using the Zoundry blog editor and I’ll do a review of the editors I tried in my next post. I’m also trying to setup the theme for the site - I created my logo (which could change several times). I plan on using ads and trying out different strategies for ads and search engine rankings. I also want to have a continuing list of websites and blogs that I find information, inspiritaional or just plain helpful in my endevors. There is quite a bit I still need to learn: trackbacks, delicious, metrics, affiliates, adsense, ping, plug-ins, the list goes on and on …
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