
National Association of Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Directors, Inc. - RSVP


Brief History: The National Association of RSVP Directors, Inc. (NARSVPD) was created in 1976 in Chicago, Illinois, at a meeting of interested RSVP Directors from across the country. Officers were elected and were charged with developing by-laws and operating practices. The organization was incorporated in the state of Indiana with a 501(c)(3) status.

Purpose: The purpose of NARSVPD, Inc., is to provide visibility and advocacy for RSVP; a network of communications among RSVP Directors and projects; a vehicle for expression of majority opinion on behalf of RSVP and older Americans to the Corporation for National and Community Service, Congress and other appropriate governmental and national units.

The fall meeting is held in Washington, D. C., and the spring meeting is held in conjunction with the annual meeting and usually joined with a cluster meeting.

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