Title, Errand Services, Home Improvement, Cleaning, Pet Services


Well, since you're reading this page, I'm assuming you would like to know more about us. My name is Tonya Sage and I've been a wife and mother for over twelve years. I'm happily married and live in the town of Culver. Like all wives and mothers, I've dealt with numerous situations under extenuating circumstances while trying to keep my family together and happy. Being a full-time working mom until April of 2003, I understand the many issues busy households face. I'm one of the lucky ones and spent several unemployed months with my children. While my youngest child (Zach) was in kindergarten last year, I really enjoyed taking him to and from school everyday. No more begging relatives to chauffer him around like I had to with my daughter (Kyleigh). No more frantic schedule changes dealing with sick children, although my kids enjoyed going to work with me.

After a few months of staying home, I really started to see behavioral changes in my children. Having me home with them after school made them feel more secure and less stressed. Evenings together grew easier and homework time was less stressful. I didn't realize how stressed out my daughter was until her physical health improved. Kyleigh was just as stressed as I was, and I didn't even notice. I was fortunate to have great babysitters, but there's just not substitute for "mom".

In my previous career, I worked for a small to mid-sized family owned company in Plymouth. Over nine years, I worked my way up from Customer Service to Design Technician to Quality Coordinator. We produced electrical wire harnesses for the RV industry and the "hands on" business knowledge I gained there was immeasurable. Unfortunately, the business was bought and moved to another state, and I found myself unemployed. When I decided to go back to work, devoting myself to someone else's company seemed foolish.

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