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Thanks for visiting. I am a UK-based web developer, specialising in ASP - a Microsoft server-side scripting technology which brings together HTML, VBScript/Jscript, and COM to provide dynamic web content generation capabilities.

Every page you see on this site is dynamically contructed at the instant you request it - sophisticated scripting behind the scenes retrieves page content from one XML data store and combines it with an XML-based page template, resulting in the pages that you see before you. Content can be edited from any location in the world at any time - all the administrator needs is an Internet connection and IE5+! Any changes made are instantly visible to anyone accessing the site. This is called a Content Management System (CMS), and can radically reduce the TCO of a web site.

ASP scripts can manipulate data from databases, XML, pages on other web sites, user-entered information, uploaded files, and any other source you can think of, and it all happens in real-time. The ability to deliver up-to-the-minute live data on every page hit lends itself to countless applications, such as:

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