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Bong Joon-Ho is one rising South Korean film director and screenwriter who best known for his 2003 film "Memories of Murder" for which he won the South Korean film industry's Grand Bell Award for Best Film Director. He is a graduate of the Korean Academy of Film Arts and his graduate short film Incoherent is one of the most talked-about short films in Korea. He participated in screenplay Phantom, the submarine, a box office hit in 1998. Bong has directed multiple critically-acclaimed short films before his first feature film "Barking Dogs Never Bite" in 2000.

Debuting in 'The Day a Pig Fell Into a Well', he made it to the big leagues with 'No 3'. Thereafter, he played roles in 'The Quiet Family' and 'Foul King', followed by his other blockbuster hit, 'JSA'. Playing a North Korean military officer in the film, he proved that he wasn't a mere comedy actor. In 'Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance', he showed off his talent in acting in a traditional drama. His career was highlighted again with his much acclaimed role in 'Memories of Murder'.

Was born on October 11, 1979. She started in modeling line but soon moved into TV dramas. Her filmography The Ring Virus, Barking Dogs Never Bite, Plum Blossom, Take Care of My Cat, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Saving My Hubby, Tube, Spring Bear's Love and Linda Linda Linda.




Gary Cheah
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