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LASIK - Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis - is a form of refractive eye surgery where the cornea of the eye is altered by laser to improve eyesight. It became an FDA approved procedure in 1998 as part of a pre-market approval application (PMA).

The Procedure

The History of LASIK
While surgery involving corneal incisions--Keratotomy--began as early as the late 1890's, it was largely experimental (and unsuccessful) until almost 50 years later. It wasn't until after WWII that research on surgical correction of refractive errors began in full. Refractive surgery remained a relatively inaccurate and unpredictable procedure for another 10-15 years. (more...)
Qualifying for LASIK
Your pre-LASIK consultation will take place at the facility of your choosing 1-2 months before your desired date of surgery and will determine your eligibility for LASIK. Generally these consultations are performed by the opthalmologist who will eventually be operating on you, but you should check with your LASIK provider to confirm this. Having your pre-LASIK consultation performed by your surgeon is preferable. (more...)
The LASIK Surgery
Just before surgery the patient is given a mild sedative and antibiotics to prevent infection. A local anesthetic (usually eye drops) is administered to lessen the pain during surgery. Typically, one eye is operated upon at once. In some cases, patients schedule separate surgeries for each eye, opting to allow one eye to heal before the next operation begins. (more...)
After Surgery
It is always advised that somebody accompany the patient home from surgery. Driving is NOT recommended. Your eyes will be very sensitive, and minor discomfort or pain is normal. Make sure to avoid touching them at all costs (you may dislocate the corneal flap before it heals). (more...)

Featured Equipment

WaveLight Allegretto Wave

The Allegretto Wave is a type of Excimer Laser used exclusively in LASIK and wavefront based custom eye surgery. It is the newest Excimer Laser to win FDA approval in the past 5 years.

How it works
The Allegretto Wave aims to preserve the natural shape of the cornea and provides superior clinical results. Its “PERFECT PULSE” scanning spot technology along with the 200 Hz active eye-tracker allows precise real-time tracking and improves the level of vision achieved following LASIK. As opposed to the traditional Excimer laser approach (where eye tissue is physically removed), the Allegretto Wave uses microscopic lasers to reshape eye tissue with a high degree of accuracy.
The Allegretto Wave system affords patients improved night vision and a reduction in glare from bright lights from their pre-surgery vision. Most other laser systems only attempt to limit a worsening of symptoms from bright lights after LASIK. The Allegretto Wave is the only laser to actually IMPROVE symptoms of glare from bright lights, light sensitivity, and night driving glare after LASIK, in both near- and far- sighted patients. (more...)


Astigmatism - Astigmatism is defined as an irregular curvature in the front portion of the eye, often resulting in blurred vision. Non-uniform shape of the cornea is called corneal astigmatism. A distorted lens shape is a lenticular astigmatism. Both forms are common and can typically be treated with corrective lenses or surgery. (more...)

User Story

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Featured Center

Gotham Lasik is the first and only center in Manhattan to combine the Allegretto Wave and IntraLase Laser technologies. From the moment you step into our laser facility you will notice a difference—the difference of being a leader in the laser vision correction. (more...)

Featured Doctor

Dr. Brian Bonanni carries the experience of 25,000 successful laser vision procedures, over ten years of devotion to vision correction, and the knowledge of every available laser system on the market. He is fellowship trained in cornea, LASIK/LASEK, Laser Vision Correction, and Refractive Surgery. All pre and post LASIK exams are performed by Dr. Bonanni himself. (more...)


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