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We are using as an example of co-creating a domain using Please feel free to edit this page and contribute your ideas about what Intentional Networks are, and could be.

The term "Intentional Networks" has been used for several purposes. [1] However, the original author of this page, Steve Habib Rose, is using the term with the following meanings:

1. Social networks that are created intentionally, rather than those that happen by accident. The formal process of creating intentional networks is called network weaving -- see [2]

2. As a parallel to the terms "Intentional Communities," "Intentional Neighborhoods" etc.

According to [3], Intentional Community is an inclusive term for ecovillages, cohousing, residential land trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives, and other projects where people strive together with a common vision. In almost all of those situations, people live physically together. In "Intentional Neighborhoods" people share with one another in the same (general) neighborhood.

"Intentional Networks" have some of the same characteristics of working and sharing together, but are not necessarily bound to a specific physical location.

3. Examples of "Intentional Networks" are the "tribes" on social networking sites such as [4], business networking communities like [5] and [6], and in-person networks such as [7]

What are your thoughts on the subject?

People create networks (communities, associations) to fulfill specific needs or desires: economic, mutual security, emotional support, or in hopes of creating a better future. From the "network" view we can map connections (see what connections are missing) and intend to make those additional connections. From the view of an individual involved in a network, one can map what needs and desires are fulfilled by what connections (and what needs and desires are not being fulfilled) and intend to make additional connections to find greated fulfillment. It seems to me that the connections within a network will only be as strong as the degree to which they successfully fulfill needs and desires of individuals - so that should be the primary intent of network design. - David Braden

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