provides articles on running green online businesses


Greenscroll -- Greening the Web


The Internet — we love it, and you do too — but just by reading this sentence, you are already involved in an issue that affects everyone. The Internet uses massive amounts of power 24/7, most of it is polluting the environment and significantly escalating global warming.

Greenscroll is an easy way for you to make a difference in the real world, whilst engaging with the green community in the virtual world. We are a non-profit movement helping you make your web presence more environmentally friendly by supporting green renewable energy on your behalf. Our priority is fighting climate change, not profiting from it, and we want you to be the decision-makers in driving this movement.



Additional Information

Our Team

Nikolai Bratkovski Co-Founder & Chief Scroller

Sasha Bakcht Co-Founder & Tech Scroller

John Carson Co-Founder & Communications Scroller

Nathan Vexler Business Development

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