

Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties (Pennsylvania)


One of the most important components we provide for victims of domestic violence is temporary emergency shelter. Our shelter provides a safe, secure and comfortable home for victims of domestic violence and their children. All services provided by our agency are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. There is no need to be concerned about necessities, they are provided to our guests in shelter.

Counselor/Advocates will support and help you plan your next steps. Counselor/Advocates also help with housing options, assistance with the Public Welfare System, employment issues, child care issues, and anything else that is of concern to the victim. DVS/CP works with other social services agencies to improve the quality of life for victims of domestic violence.

DVS/CP also provides a 24-hour toll free hotline, one-on-one counseling, support groups, help with obtaining a Protection from Abuse Order, and advocacy in the criminal justice and social services systems. Speakers are also available to church groups, organizations, clubs, health care providers, businesses, schools, etc. on the topics of domestic violence and our services. Again, all services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.




PaMidstate MEDIA, LLC.
Boiling Springs Pennsylvania
United States 17007

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